
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sick Day

I woke up last night (about 1am) with the left side of my throat inflamed, making it painful to swallow. "Uh-oh", I thought, "better try to nip this one in the bud" so I pulled my tired body from it's comfy bed and made the trek downstairs to find some medicine. I also gurgled with Bragg's apple cider vinegar to kill any infection-- not fun. After taking a large dose of vitamin C and NyQuil (so grateful for this drug!) I was able to sleep. 
{Fresh carrot juice-- one of the most powerful juices for almost every aliment!}

After getting up this morning, I did some business work from my computer, did a little house cleaning and then went back to bed for another 1 1/2 hrs as I was thoroughly exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open. Rest is the best thing though and I'm grateful the day allowed for this (they'll be some catching up tomorrow!)

I'm doing a partial fast today to assist my body in the healing process. Thus far, I've had wheat grass, carrot and spinach juice. They don't taste that bad, I promise! Part of what helps with the taste is knowing that what your doing is helping, not harming, your body.

One of the benefits of fasting during sickness is it allows your body to put all of it's energy into the healing process instead of digesting the food you just ate. Typically, juice fasting is not a pleasant experience for me but I honestly haven't felt like eating much of anything today. I'll probably continue the juice fast until supper and then eat fresh fruits and vegetables. We'll see what I feel like... 

I was hoping to run today, but had to scratched that plan. On more than several occasions I've made the mistake of working out when I felt sick, thinking I'd be fine, and it only prolonged the "feel bad phase". I know it works for some people to just sweat it out, but not me-- wish it did though. Planning to be back in the game tomorrow! I'm dying to go for a run!!!

1 comment:

  1. That juice looks yummy! What kind of juicer do you use? I want to get one but reviews I have read are all over the map.

    <3 Marielley


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