
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Yeah, it's Saturday!

Normally, weekends are opportunities to catch up on some much needed sleep. This morning, however, I woke up rather early (for a Saturday-- hey, everything's relative right?) with my mind racing. I have so many projects going on in my life, so much I want to do and accomplish and things that I'm involved in that my mind was pumping my body to just jump up and face the day! 

Could my excitement possibly have anything to do with my new running blog and such an overwhelming response in just it's first three days of launching? I think so!

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I made myself a cucumber/tomato drink this morning. A delicious combination that is both hydrating and refreshing, you instantly feel rejuvenated. Cucumbers and tomatoes are also really, really good for your skin-- listen up ladies! Summer is just around the corner and it's a great opportunity to get ready to meet the sun!!!


  1. Oh, I wish I had your appettite for healthy food! Thanks for the tip though, I didn't know cucembers and tomatoes were good for your skin. I better get on that!

    1. Hi Meg, your blog is adorable! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. You have the same workout schedule I do. I love it!

    1. Ooh, how fun!!! Be sure to post any tips you have for me!

  3. I came across your blog from my friend Annette's...this one is looking mighty tasty:)

    I'm a new follower and hope to read more about you! i too share your passion for helathy foods and am a runner/yogi myself...althought right now I am recovery from hip surgery...

    good Luck with your blog:)

    1. Thanks for following! Blessings for a speedy recovery!!!

  4. I love cucumber...I could definitely eat it all day, everyday!

  5. These cucumbers and tomatoes look sooo fresh! I also really like pickles...haha. Love your blog. Thanks for following!

  6. what a great blog!!! i wish i had your determination....

  7. Nice post and I would love to learn a bit more about healthy diet habbits!Always room for improvement..
    Happy Valentines day :)
    I'm following you, return love back?


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