
Friday, March 23, 2012

7-Day Green Smoothie Challenge

Come on, y'all! Join me and Jen over at Peanut Butter Runner for a 7-Day Green Smoothie Challenge!!! 

We're doing this together and inviting you to join us on this incredible, nutritious journey!

The great thing about doing this as a team is there's built-in accountability and it's going to be tons of fun-- an absolute blast! You won't want to miss out!

I will also be sharing some delicious recipes along the way to shake it up a bit, and throw out some ideas that you might not have thought of before. Jen will be sharing some great suggestions on her blog too so be sure to follow both of us during this get-ready-for-spring-health-kick!!!

For inspiration, start by watching this 3-min clip of FIFTEEN different recipes YOU can make! 

To see the recipes for all of these amazing looking drinks, click here. You also really need to check out this link for the benefits and reasons why green smoothies are such a great idea and so beneficial to your health!

The rules for this challenge

Only one! 

You GET to...
drink one green smoothie a day

 There are many creative ways to sneak in nutrient-packed green leaves behind sweet, delicious fruits. You won't even taste the greens!

To sign-up for the challenge just submit your name as a comment (along with your blog link, if you have one) and we'll announce the participants on Monday, the 26th. :-)

So, who's with us?!

The challenge officially starts this Monday, March 26th!!!


  1. I commented on Jen's post -- but I'm definitely in. Our bodies are going to thank us for all the nutrients!

  2. I'm totally in!! I love green smoothies, but I'm bad about taking the time to make them up (which is a terrible excuse because they take no time at all), so I'm super excited to join your challenge! I've got the blender out and the greens ready! Thanks for putting this together!

    1. Hi Lauren- Super excited that you're doing the challenge! Feel free to comment and share your favorite recipes with us. :)

  3. Hey Katherine - I'm kind of late to the smoothie challenge, but am going to print out the 15 smoothies and put them in rotation nonetheless. Thanks for sharing!

    I'm also a runner and lover of good food...just discovered your blog and am looking forward to following!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for commenting :)