
Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 1 of 7 for the Green Smoothie Challenge!

Good morning, challengers! It's day one, are you ready? The Spring 2012 Green Smoothie Challenge has officially begun! We received an overwhelming response from our readership with over 50 participants! Check out Jen's blog here to view the complete list, it's really inspiring! It's not too late- if you still want to join you have until midnight!!! Just comment and let us know!

{Oh, what a beautiful morning!}

So, now onto the recipe of the day! This was my luscious, breakfast smoothie. So delicious! Remember, you can drink your green smoothie anytime of the day-- whatever works best for you! All you have to do is get one in your daily eats every 24hrs March 26 - April 1. I think you'll find that it really refreshes and rejuvenates you! 

Strawberry Field Smoothie
1 cup, sliced banana
5 cups shredded lettuce (remember, the darker the better! I used spinach.)
1 cup strawberries
2 cups water

Blend well!

Personally, I like really thick smoothies so if you want this consistency just throw your banana and strawberries in the freezer the night before. Add ice, if needed. Here's to ya!

{My little brother helping himself to the leftovers.}

This was a ton of food for me, and I wasn't even able to finish the whole thing so I shared! You can always 1/2 recipes to make them more manageable. :-) It was good though, I would probably add more strawberries next time to make it sweeter!

Later on in the week I am planning to share some tips on the nutritious benefits of greens and how they can have such a  positive impact on our health. 


PS: If you're looking for more recipes and info- Kristen Elizabeth, has some great tips of Smoothies and Shakes over at! 


  1. Love the vibrant colors. Looks tasty too!

  2. Woohoo for day 1! I had my smoothie for breakfast this morning, and although the berries turned it slightly brown instead of greens it was still packed with lots of green nutrition!

    1. That's awesome, Lauren! I'm a berry lover myself!

  3. Great combination of ingredients and so good for you! What a great start to your day.

  4. Hi Katherine, thanks for your comment, great mind think alike, I'll be linking back to you and jen in my green smoothie challenge posts. Glad to have found your blog!

    1. Thanks, Laura! Glad you're here! Can't wait to see what recipes you come up with :)


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