
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday's Feast

What I'm cooking largely reflects the type of mood I'm in-- tonight was a good one! 

Take a look... 

Here's what I dished up! Grass-fed beef (raised in our own backyard!), fresh tomato cubes (needed some live enzymes there), and warmed pineapple tidbits on a bed of brown rice topped with a sprig of rosemary from my herb garden.

 It was amazing. The perfect meal to top off a wonderful week. I highly recommend it. 

What foods did you eat over the weekend? I'm interested to hear!

Oh, and... stay posted as my next race will be announced next week (hopefully Monday!). I also promise to be more faithful in posting about my workouts instead of just food!!! 


  1. Wow - pass me some of what you're having!! ((: umm.. over the weekend I ate a Stromboli and a bunch of ice cream (sore throat). Yeah, not as interesting as what you had! But the stromboli was pretty yummy!

  2. Ooh, Heather! The stromboli sounds amazing... as does the ice cream! I'm so sorry you've been sick. Try to stay hydrated and load up on the vitamin C. I also recommend staying away from dairy and sugar for a couple of days-- two big monsters that can weaken your immune system. I know it's hard, but you can really help your body out if you load up on the fresh fruits and veggies during this time. Get well soon!

  3. OOh So delicious lookin! Make my mouth water!!

    Thanks for the follow! I love how your blog is about fitness and health and your workout! It's inspiring :)

    Following you :)


  4. Wow you have such a great blog! I love all the fresh food you cook! Thanks for the follow I am now following back :)

  5. Mmmm! This all looks so delicious! Thank you for following me over at A Sweet Southern Mess! I am glad to be your newest follower and can't wait to read more! :)


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