
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bagels for Breakfast

This morning was such a treat! Mary made completely from scratch honey whole wheat, raisin bagels. Can you believe it?! There were out-of-this-world some kind of deliciousness!!!

The smell of fresh bread baking is like none other. It fills the house with a wonderful aroma that is calming and reassuring. It's interesting how smells from our childhood can bring back feelings of peace or not... 

I ate my breakfast in the car on the way to work this morning. 1 whole egg and 1 egg white scrambled together and made into an egg sandwich! Delish. Definitely planning to do this combo again. It's quick. It's easy, and it's good for you! 

Yesterday I didn't workout... I know, what happened to me? Well, I'll tell you. On Monday, I wore almost 4-inch high wedges to the picnic (clearing of throat). Yes, and well... my ankles were just too sore to do much of anything yesterday. Just walking was enough :P I enjoyed it though, the shoes that is, and and I guess this is just proof that I'm a preppy, southern girl as I'd do it all over again in a heart beat! This is where you say, "Bless your heart..." 

The week feels slightly off as everything seems to have been out of the ordinary. Taking a Monday off always seems to throw the week off. It's great, but I do appreciate routines. Discipline brings freedom.

I'm branching out... or at least trying! I tired this new protein powder from Vega this past week and I'm happy to report it's not only great tasting but it's plant-based. I highly recommend it!

I came across an article yesterday which I thought was interesting. Michael Pollan's health/fitness advice? 
  1. Eat real food.
  2. Not too much.
  3. Mostly plants.
I thought this was great advice! Here's the link if you're interested :) 

did workout today, though. A short 20 min workout DVD and 15 minutes worth of good stretching and I was ready for the day! For some reason, I don't feel like I can fully focus on the rest of my to-do list until I've worked out, even if it's just a few minutes. It helps get my blood moving and wake me up.  Life is constantly changing though and flexibility is something I'm aiming for.

Later in the day, I ran 2.5 miles which felt amazing. I love the feeling after a run so much that it motivates me to keep running!!! 

When do you like to workout? Do the mornings work better for you or can you still give it your all at the end of a work day?


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog today...I am loving your blog. Great recipes you hve here.

  2. Those bagels look outstanding. And I love that you wore wedges to a picnic...I'd do the same.

  3. Cute shoes. I can see why you'd want to wear them whenever and wherever.

    Those bagels look delicious, too. I used to make them all the time, but it's been years. I wonder if I still know how.


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