
Thursday, July 19, 2012

2 miles (mostly) PAIN-FREE!

I'm smiling :) I ran 2 miles before breakfast this morning! This is the farthest I've run in almost a month because of injury. I'm very thankful to report I'm healed and ready to up that mileage {happy dance}.

With my smoothies, I've been improvising of late. Instead of using protein powder (which can get really expensive!), I've been just using fruits and vegetables.

Here are a few things I've been throwing in:
  • chia seeds (the longer you let them soak the better, and thicker your smoothie will be)
  • banana (peel & throw in the freezer if you like your smoothies cold)
  • carrots (carrots are a great natural smoothie sweetener!)
  • kale (I think I might be a kale-aholic)
  • ice (lots and lots- great way to help your smoothie consistency and stay hydrated)

I had carrots on my sandwich as well as in my smoothie today :) This little sandwich is really so simple: real mayo on whole wheat bread, 1/2 cup + shredded carrots, fresh lettuce and a spoonful of saurekraut. Be creative with it and have fun! 

I'm not much of a meat eater (I used to be though!) so I can skip the lunch meat on my sandwiches, but there are others in my family who can't. I added bacon bits to my little brother's sandwich - anything to tempt them! Plus, a growing boy needs the protein more than I do :) 

And, we just finished up an early delicious summer supper: home cooked roast beef slices on ww bread with garden fresh, sun-warmed watermelon. So good! What did you have for dinner?


  1. That samich looks GOOOOD! I am a meat eater so I would probably have to add some turkey but I am sure it is good w/o! You are so healthy I can learn lots from you!

  2. OH and congrats on feeling better on your run! Thats great!

  3. I'm so happy to hear you're ready to start running again. I love the protein shake. Something my daughter would benefit from since she has a hard time digesting protein (No whey for her and she doesn't like the taste of rice protein). Thank-you so much for sharing. I love being able to learn from others!

  4. I'm pleased you're all healed and back on the road again :) Your food looks simply delicious!

    Lea x


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