
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th Recap :)

I think I'm spoiled... I've had lots of ice cream in my lifetime, but today's was by far the best! Most things homemade taste better than store bought, in my opinion, simply because you made it with real food ingredients. Add a little love on top of that and - wow! 

This is the fresh, unpasteurized, "pet milk" I was telling you about. There are risks that go with drinking it so I'm not advocating it or encouraging you to try it at all. Do your research and take personal responsibility if you go this route. 

I love how this picture turned out simply because it looks so pure and wholesome.

Since we made the ice cream ahead of time, it was difficult to restrain from using the excuse, "I'm just tasting" over and over again!

 Thick, creamy, and distinctly vanilla. "Out of this world!!!" as Paula Deen would say :-)

This picture is from Tuesday. My brother Bobby (to my left) and I had a lunch date with some old friends at Mi Casita! Yummy :) I ordered vegetarian quesadillas with beans & rice. It was a ton of food and I was stuffed to the gills afterwards - take away boxes are great for such situations! As are brothers, I should add :P

Wednesday morning, July 4th, I tired to think of a way to make my green smoothie patriotic. A red, white & blue smoothie didn't sound too appetizing so instead I just went with this background to snap the picture.

I'd had the fun idea of making blueberry pancakes to celebrate too but that just didn't happen :/ We were up the night before with friends which made the morning a little slower. So, instead I just arranged a semi-patriotic scene for my delicious banana/kale smoothie :)

I keep offering sip samples to other members of the family... hopefully one day they'll be excited about me serving 'em up a glass of this green goodness.

Posin' for a picture in the kitchen with my sweet Momma. She made the gorgeous festive trifle to the right. Delish! I enjoy eating healthy, but I also enjoy special occasions :-)

You can barely see the creamy vanilla ice cream in this picture (with the cow scoop), but it was so, so good. Wish I could share!!!

We went swimming at my grandma Mimi's and did a little cookout at her house. I love events with food, family and fun!

I couldn't remember the last time I'd had a real burger! This was a super big treat!!! I think everyone in my family was really looking forward to this picnic style meal :) Hanging out at my grandma's house brings back great memories from being a kid! It's times like these that make me grateful for my wonderful family, and miss my grandfather - I remember grilling out with him as a little girl. So special. It's interesting how you think things will always be the same, but they won't. Time changes, people change, life changes... Even though there are blessing all around me, I feel I can always be reminded to have a grateful heart :)

Happy Birthday, America! Enjoy this music clip "God Bless, America" from Martina McBride :) How did you spend the 4th with your loved ones? Any good food or fun activities?


  1. Looks like you had a great 4th! The trifle came out beautifully.

    I also wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for an award... check out my site for more details. Congrats.

  2. Nice pics and a nice recap of your 4th of July!


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