
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Becoming a Minimalist (Runner's Shoe, that is . . . )

So, I got new running shoes over the weekend! I'd worn my previous pair for nearly six months and after feeling the "shock" and experiencing achy calves for the past several runs I decided it was time to ditch the old and bring in the new. This is something I'm learning with running shoes - going by mileage versus looks is a new thought to me but I'm hoping will save me a lot of pain. {No need to repeat the events from earlier this year . . .}

I'm dabbling with a minimalist shoe and we'll see how it goes :) Hopefully, if my body is okay with the transition I'm headed towards the minimalist runner's shoe to stay, but we'll see :P So, although I was tempted to go with what I know (a regular running shoe) - I picked a shoe with a little less support, that's light weight but still designed for running. Scary but true. Wouldn't it be super cool to be strong enough to run barefoot without running the risk of injury?! What running shoes do you use and how often to you switch them out?

Last weekend it felt like there was a lot going on, but Saturday afternoon we hung out with friends for a bit. And these friends are the ones who are really trying to get me and my sisters to do a Spartan race with them this coming spring! Wow. That sounds like crazy fun, but we'll see what happens . . .  My 16 yr old brother is seriously considering this, though, and at least I know I'd make an excellent cheerleader. :P I'm curious to hear if any of you have done a Spartan race and advice on what to expect?

I'm in one of those phases where I'm itching to get things done. My personality is to start a million things at once but I want to learn to focus on one thing until it's completed. That would be nice, wouldn't it! On that note, here's an interesting example. Have you ever heard the story of the 409 cleaner? Well, the long and short of it is, it took this company four hundred and nine times to get the right formula. Amazing! What if they had given up on the 408th try? Can you image failing that many times and still preservering?

{Black beans, tomato, and sliced cucumber make delicious salad toppings}

My run today was fantastic! I went 2 miles this morning and afterwards I enjoyed a nice long stretch while listening to a podcast :) I was thinking about doing something else this evening, but the soreness from yesterday's water sports has set in {Oooh, my shoulders . . . } My dad and brother went to town trying to throw my sister and I off the tube. It was such a blast! I can get super vocal during events like these and everyone on the boat was laughing their head off :P I think Allie and I made quite the show with our commentary . . . lol!

What did your workout look like today?


  1. Im in love with your running shoes….and your meals, yum! =]

  2. cute cute blog!

  3. I really need to get some new running shoes. Maybe it will inspire me to get back to running again.

    I also love black beans in a salad. So good!

  4. my husband just switches to minimalist shoes and loves them! i'm not a runner at ALL, but i'm intrigued by the shoes. my friends even say that they've learned to love running because of them!

  5. I'm so interested to hear how your shoes work out! I'm new to running (only 6 weeks in) but I'm totally addicted. No clue how often I'm supposed to even switch shoes. How many miles do they recommend anyway? *Note to self: figure that out! Anyway, A Spartan Race? I'm dying to do something like that or Tough Mudder. I'm not anywhere near ready but I'm up for the challenge... maybe in 6 months or so. That salad looks awesome! And that will end my random thoughts and responses ;) New to your blog but I think I'll like it here. Thanks for taking the time to comment on mine ( and helping me to find yours.


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