
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Monster Veggie, Anyone?

A monster veggie sandwich! This was what I packed to take into work for lunch :) I'm really loving sandwiches piled high with all sorts of nutritious goodness! Let me know what your summer lunch favorites are!!!

After I got home this evening, I ran 3.1 miles. It was SO hot, especially in the garage! I had two fans going and I still thought I was going to die :) It was one of those moments where you know the cool down is going to hurt as much as it would to keep running.

{Romaine lettuce topped with sauerkraut and yogurt dressing, angel eggs, 
homegrown watermelon and a whole wheat roll makes a wonderful summer supper!}

Supper was refreshing, especially the watermelon but the conversation even more. Dinner time around here is something to look forward to! Hot topics, current events, business plans, life strategies and more - it's all here :D

Last Saturday, I went canoeing! The lake was beautiful and the water temp was perfect. There were 10 of us in our group with 4 canoes. A HUGE water fight broke and no one left dry! So, so fun!!!

I was out shopping with my sister yesterday and we picked up a natural protein powder with pea protein. Sounds interesting, huh? Not too bad . . . In fact, I'd say delish! What are your favorite protein powders?


  1. Pea protein powder? That sounds amazing! I've got to keep an eye out for it...Thanks! By the way, was that you that posted a breakfast cereal last month using a bunch of nuts, meusli, flax, apple juice, etc. ~ I made a grocery list to make this and when I went back to find the recipe, I couldn't find it. Somehow, I thought it was you who posted it. I'm trying to go back to a few bloggers with your style, but can't find this recipe anywhere within my network of foodie friends. (Just my luck when my printer was down).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Was it this recipe?

    3. No, but thanks for sharing this one. I'll probably end up making this one since it has a lot of the ingredients I purchased. It was such an awesome recipe. I just wish I made note of who posted it. For some reason, I thought it was you. This person was also a runner. Thanks for your help! I appreciate you providing me with the link above.

    4. Let me know if you find the other one :) I'd love to try it out!

  2. The more veggies in a sandwich = the better! I love roasted zucchini & eggplant in mine :)

    1. Hi Kailey! Roasted zucchini and eggplant sounds amazing - need to give that a try!


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