
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Run for the Red 5K Race

I kicked off my race prep with 2.5 miles yesterday afternoon and a green smoothie for part of my dinner. Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition :) 

Here's a shot from last night's ice cream party!  

Out-of-this-world delicious homemade rocky road. Oh, my - was it good!!!

This was me after 11pm last night. Laying out my stuff - safety pins included! 

The race was at 7:45 this morning :) My time was 28:28. That including some walking too because I got a terrible stomach bubble after the 1 mile marker. Ouch, but who's quitin'! I'd love to know what time I could have gotten if I hadn't had to slow down :( Next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our group shot :-) So fun!

After the race, we all headed out for some breakfast.

My grandparents met us at the restaurant and we enjoyed time with them. Eggs, wheat toast and fruit make a great post-run meal :)

I was in a baking mood this afternoon! Fun, fun :) Mary and I went blueberry picking at our next door neighbor's so we could make some buttermilk blueberry pancakes. I know, heavenly . . .

They smelled wonderful! Good and buttery :P

I'll take that plate, thank-you very much!!! :-)

It was beautiful outside today :)

I also made some banana oatmeal cookies for dessert. We're going to dinner at my grandma Mimi's! This was first time making this recipe and I'd say they're definitely a keeper! I got the recipe from 

You will need:

3 bananas (super ripe)
2 cups old fashioned oats
1 cup dried dates, pitted and chopped
1 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (I probably tripled this amount because we love the cinnamon flavor)
1/2 teaspoon sea salt

Mash your bananas in a bowl; mix your remaining ingredients. Let is sit for about 10 minutes and then scoop onto a cookie tray. Bake for 10-25 minutes. I like it less so you cook out less nutrients. Cool, serve and enjoy!

It's been a fabulous day! Hope you're having a great one too!!!


  1. Congratulations on finishing that run in spite of the tummy bubble. I think it's great that you stuck to it! I also love that glass plate your pancakes are sitting on and WOW, those cookies!

  2. Good job on your 5K!

    I would love to try those cookies!

  3. The banana oatmeal cookies and the blueberry pancakes look delish!! Thanks for sharing the recipe for the cookies. Yum!


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