
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 2 of 7: Green Smoothie Challenge and Fudge Brownies

Ha! You're probably laughing at the title of this post because a green smoothie and a fudge brownie just don't see to go together - BUT really they do. At least in my opinion :P And, when you consider the ingredients of these succulent fudgey brownies, I think you'll agree with me. :)

green smoothie

It's Day 2! Hurray for all of the GSC participants! We made it to the 2nd day :P I've enjoyed seeing all the different bright and cheery, enthusiastic blog posts and how much fun everyone is having! Doing a healthy eating challenge with others certainly motivates me!

raw food

Tropical Flair Green Smoothie Recipe:
1 orange
1/2 banana (the riper the sweeter)
1 cup frozen strawberries
2-4 cups spinach
1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 cup ice

Blend it all together and slurp it up!

{Recipe inspiration}

tropical green smoothie

Although I've enjoyed a green smoothie almost everyday for nearly a year now, this challenge is still really good for me! I'm branching out with new recipes, and trying different ingredients that I hope will tempt even the most skeptic green smoothie drinker :)

I'm normally perfectly content with the same ole green smoothie recipe, day in, day out but I thought you would appreciate me attempting to make things a little more interesting :P


Since yesterday was my sister's birthday, I made these brownies for last night's dessert! Here's the link to the original recipe and then here's what I did. That seems to be the story of my life doesn't it? "Here's how you're supposed to do it and then here's what actually I did" . . . lol!

1 1/2 sticks butter
8 oz semi-sweet chocolate
1 teaspoon organic molasses
2 cups honey crystals
2 tablespoons honey
3 large eggs
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/8 teaspoon baking powder (no aluminum)
I think I used about 1 1/3 cups of whole wheat flour but I pretty much just did it to consistency. :)
1/2 bag dark chocolate chips? something like that . . .

chocolate fudge brownies

Okay, so in the directions they tell you to melt the butter in the microwave, but I'm desperately trying to move away from that free-radical creator so I used the stovetop instead. Although it takes a little bit longer, it works just as well and is much healthier. 

brownies and ice cream

I served the brownies with Neapolitan ice cream. :)


Last night's supper was amazing. Kristen requested salmon and salad, and we obliged. :) I love wild fish!

raw food

I packed this little sandwich for lunch today. Sprouts, avocado, tomato and cucumber on a multi-grain thin. I threw an apple in a bag, along with one of Artisana's squeeze butter packets for a mid-afternoon snack. Delish!

I got up this morning, spent time in the Word and prayer (so refreshing!), worked out, practiced piano, grocery shopping, made a green smoothie (happy dance!) and then I was out the door for a fantastic start to the day at the office. It's amazing how the way you start your day can have such a positive impact on the rest of it!

As I was scanning the headlines this morning, I ran across this article (click here) with thoughts on organic food. My ears always perk up when I hear the media reporting their opinion on what we eat. What do you think about this article? Did anyone get in their green smoothie for the day? Feel free to share your recipe in a comment below or leave or link. :) 

Sunshine :) ~Katherine

PS: For all of you "greeners" - Go "like" and repin the Green Smoothie Challenge on PinInterest :)


  1. Does it taste as good as it looks? Never made on of those before...looks good

  2. I had someone who doesn't drink green smoothies taste it and she liked it :)

  3. that wrap looks amazing...I have to go without the green smoothy tho, hehe!

  4. I'm gonna do it! Challenge accepted. What makes it green? does it have to be green coloured or contain "green" ingredients?


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