
Monday, October 1, 2012

Starting the Week

Welcome, October! I'm so glad you're here and can't wait to fully embrace the cool, crisp evenings you will undoubtedly present us with. I'm anticipating the trees releasing their glory and the sound of fallen leaves crunching beneath cute riding boots. And, just the thought of watching majestic sunsets painted in bright shades of orange, pink and yellow disappear beyond the tree tops while sipping some hot spiced tea makes me smile. Ahh, yes - I'm glad it's October. :)

I got up early this morning - a great way to start off one of my most favorite months! I hopped on the treadmill just after 6am (after devotions and prayer) running for 30 minutes and covering 3.4 miles.

I had class this morning after a delicious strawberry/spinach smoothie for breakfast {sorry, no photo!}, and then onto the day's work. :)

I threw together some "overnight" oats on my way out the door this morning because for some reason or another (even though I was up before 5:30) I was feeling the crunch for time. :P It make a delicious lunch alongside an apple and PB. :)

To make the oats, it's just 2 parts oats to 1 part water. From there you can add whatever you want! Maple syrup for sweetener, chopped bananas and spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, etc)

For supper, I made a simple salad. Harris Teeter has a fantastic deal on mushrooms right now. Just $1 for a huge pack!

This picture is from last Friday night's supper. Homemade granola served on the side w/ wild salmon and a green salad. I have to do a recipe post on this granola for you guys soon. Amazing!!! It's my sister's recipe - simply out of this world and I think you would really like it.

I hope your week is off to a fantastic start!!! Please comment and let me know how you spent this first day of October and what was special about it. :) 


  1. This is my first visit to your blog. Your food photos all look so good!

  2. wow all this food looks amazing!!

    Have a wonderful week!


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