
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

Hello, dear blog readers! Wow - it feels like forever since I posted last Saturday!!! I've missed keeping up with all of you - gonna try and stay more consistent. :)

A lot of wonderful, crazy activities have been going on here in my neck of the woods. :P Friends from out of town last weekend and more to come this weekend! But, I'll try to keep it mostly to food updates because that's really what this blog is about :)

I'm trying a new salad dressing. Have you heard of Salad Girl? It's amazing. I took a picture of the ingredients from back of the bottle to give you an idea of what it's made from.


I've been adding hemp seeds to my green smoothies the last few days. :) Great for omega 3 fats!

Have you ever tried carrots in your green smoothie? Carrots are great for your liver and a wonderful natural sweetener! 

Okay, so this has to be one of my favorite lunches. :) To make: just fry a little chopped red onion and fresh broccoli in ~ 1 teaspoon of coconut oil for a few minutes, add a couple of fresh eggs and scramble it up! Throw onto a plate of fresh romaine and - ta-da! 

It's so easy and yummy, too! I cracked some fresh garlic salt into the scrambled for extra flavor. If you don't cook your eggs dry and they're still a little "wet" you almost don't even need a dressing for your salad. 

Wednesday's dinner was a night out with my grandparents - love them to death! 

I am really loving salads with apples and lots of peanut butter. :) Apples this time of year are so good, it's hard to resist! This salad was topped with alfalfa sprouts and a juicy tomato.

For supper this evening, I had chicken soup. I baked the chicken before adding it to the pot, seasoning with freshly cracked pepper.

And, this picture? Um-hum . . . I have a new appreciation for painters - to say the least. :) Check back for "before" & "after" pictures of the project. :-) 

1 comment:

  1. These all look GREAT! That Salad Girl dressing looks amazing! Going to have to find that and try it out!
    Have a fabulous weekend!


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