
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Feast Report

Happy Thanksgiving, peoples! Today was an amazing day with friends and family. I was so excited about today that I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. :P

I did a Kelsie Daniels workout before breakfast this morning along w/ some short interval running. Felt so good! I skimped on the stretching, though - tomorrow!

So, here are the highlights in pics. :)

Every year we have a big family get together which I absolutely love! I only get to see my cousins a couple times of year so this is a really special time.

My sister and I stayed up late last night in the kitchen cookin' away! Here's what we contributed to the feast, along with recipe links that we used for ideas:

Green beans w/ slivered almonds. I loved the lemon juice flair to these!

A new recipe! The fresh parsley made this dish. :) I lightly broiled the cauliflower so it would still have some crunch (the less you cook the more nutrients preserved). Definitely making this one again! (roasted cauliflower with tahini sauce)

Mac & cheese - the vegan version! Turned out really yummy and I was thankful because it was my first attempt. :) I didn't have all the ingredients for this recipe  (smokey mac & cheese) so I subbed. Pumpkin puree is actually an awesome replaced for butternut squash! Just sayin' . . .

But, I wouldn't recommend telling people that there is pumpkin in their mac & cheese . . . lol!

Wrapping up the food this morning getting ready to head out the door to my aunt & uncle's for the family feast. :)

A full oven!

My sweet sister and mom finishing up the roasted sweet potatoes before we rushed out the door. Getting everything hot and ready @ one time can be quite the task! 

The raw pecan bars I made yesterday. :) 

There was so much food here it was almost sinful. My uncle does the turkey and we all contribute with  the side dishes. Since there are so many of us it really adds up!

There is always something to give thanks for!

Friends & family. :)  

Let's feast! 

My plate. Well . . . the first go round, I should say. :P 

Aren't these just the cutest decorations- ever! 

I love my family. :)

A table full of handsome-ness! In my opinion, at least. :P 

Mom, you are awesome. I love you SO much! 

My dessert sampler. :) Waaaaaaaaaaaah! SO GOOD!!! I grabbed a taste of most everything: rum cake, chocolate chip pound cake, the pecan bars, my grandma Mimi's famous apple cake, & a sliver of apple pie. Should I say heavenly . . . ?

We took so many pictures it's craaaazzy .

Something about a big meal makes ya tired!

Granddaughter picture w/ Granny.

And then one w/ grandma Mimi & Mom.

Everyone in one shot. Wow, what an accomplishment!

There you have it, folks! The highlights of the day minus the evening's fun w/ kicking off the holiday season watching a Christmas movie. More to come . . .

How was your Thanksgiving?


  1. Looks so fun! I felt really at home reading this, looks like an awesome day =]

    1. Aaw, thank you Emma! Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving Day, too!

  2. This Thanksgiving seriously puts everyone else's to shame!! GORG!!


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