
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday

Happy Thursday! There's a big day ahead but before I run out the door I wanted to share the lastest eats and hear about your's, too.

This was last night's supper- the chicken was nice treat! I kind of burnt the toast, though . . . lol!

I put a curry fig dressing on this chicken that was served over a bed of romaine lettuce. 

BLT sandwich

Tuesday night I threw together this BLT sandwich. :)

juicy tomato sandwich

This tomato was super juicy! I ate 1/2 of this before leavening the house for a class and the other 1/2 in the car. I'm trying to get better about actually sitting down and eating versus either skipping a meal or rushing through. I do better when it's a family meal, and I really enjoy that, but when it's just me on go I'm not always super balanced. :P

healthy salad dressing

This was Wed's refreshing spinach salad topped with diced red onion and tomato cubes.

bragg's vinaigrette dressing

There was some Greek style hummus in the frig so I added some of that, too.

bragg's vinaigrette dressing

The dressing I used was a first timer and really good! My sister somehow managed to get the Bragg's balsamic vinaigrette while it was on sale so that makes it taste even better! It's only 90 calories per 2 Tbsp and as far as I can tell the ingredients are pretty good. :-)

My 40 minute workout yesterday morning included squats & lunges, overhead presses, bicep curls and some good ole fashioned ab work.

In addition to that I hopped on the treadmill for a 1 mile run for some good cardio. Later in the day stretching helped me to wind down. I really needed it since I've been pretty worked up since the election . . . enough said. Don't you feel better after a good nice stretch that releases tension in your body? 

Workout wise, today is my off day and to that I'm saying "yeeeeeaaaaaah!" because I'm sore. :P

***I have the start of something new and fun planned for you all tomorrow! Stay tuned and check back on Friday. :)


  1. Your food always looks so amazing! If only I could eat as fresh as that on a daily basis!

    Lea x

    Why don't you check out my Christmas Yankee Candle Giveaway? <3

  2. The meals look so so good and your pictures are awesome. I'm especially inclined to know more of the curry fig dressing, if the recipe is not a secret ;-)


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