
Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Sweet Smoothie

So, I missed that 5K I was talking about yesterday.  It just didn't work out - I was up super late at the hospital and decided to slept in. :) That's ok! There's 1 coming up on the 15th that I'm looking forward to doing with some of my friends. :-) 

I made the plunge and went for a smoothie! I may need a couple more to get me through the rest of this. :P It was SO good. - I went with the acai berry. Ha! You probably would've laughed your head to see the conversation (fun in my book!) I had with the cute little girl that mixed up my shake. "Can I see the ingredient list please . . . ? " And her pulling out the jugs that they use to make the stuff. lol!

Originally, I had thought it would be nice to go for the lower sugar but when I realized it had GMO (soy) and sucrolose (health dangers of artificial sweeteners) in it I opted for the regular. :) I'd much prefer the higher calories with ingredients closer to real food versus the lower cals with fake stuff! 

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So - Tell me, tell me!

Are you OK with artificial sweeteners or do you steer clear? 

Have you been to Freshens before? 

Are you more of a smoothie kind of person or do you prefer ice cream?

What smoothie place do you like best? 

I'm definitely planning to get out and see the city this weekend, especially Old Salem! Dying to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are you doing this weekend?


  1. very interesting post i follow you i am 256th,i hope you can follow me too many kisses from italy :*

  2. I love freshens, I always get the tropical pineapple, Sooo good!!!!


  3. I had a terrible reaction with migraine headaches to NutraSweet when I was in High School drinking diet soda, then I found some other artificial sweeteners gave me mild headaches as well. I'm not sure if it was just out of fear because of how bad it was with the NutraSweet. I haven't tried most modern artificial sweeteners because I fear having a reaction again, plus I really wonder how safe all those chemicals are.
    I like smoothies and ice cream (not together). The only smoothie place we have in Fairbanks is Freshens, but I always go to Jamba Juice when I am traveling.


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