
Friday, December 7, 2012

"I'm Not Thinking Anyone . . ." (Fresh Friday Wk 5)

That's what I announced to my sister about somethin' when I came downstairs this morning, ready to face the day. Yep, I just decided - that's all there is to it. :P No more thinking, Katherine - just do it.

{We'll see what happens . . .}

And then we start saying "just do it!" in a cadence that makes it an inside joke . . . lol!

Do you have those? Those moments where you and your best friend can just look at something and break out in a smile because you're thinking the exact same thing?

What in your life do you know is right, but you just need to do it and stop rationalizing? I'm interested to hear your thoughts.

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It's Fresh Friday! Link-up and share what top 3 things made your week fresh & fantastic!!! 

Here are mine. :) 

#1 - holiday cheer
#2 - sista moments
#3 - the gift of friends

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1 comment:

  1. Great attitude! I like the "let's take charge and get it done" approach. Especially when waking up on a Friday morning--I'm all about conquering the day and beginning the weekend. Happy Friday!


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