
Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas :)

Today was a fantastic day! In fact, I'd go so far as to label this holiday season as the best - ever! 

What makes it so great? 

Honestly- for me, it's not the presents or the food or any "thing" -- it's the people. Taking the focus of myself, inhaling deep breaths full of gratitude and praising God for His goodness results in an awesome feeling!

In my family, we treat Christmas Eve like most people treat Christmas Day. We spend the 24th together as a family, exchange gifts, and then visit the extended (grandparents, cousins, friends . . . ) on the 25th.

A short, energizing workout this morning before a hearty breakfast. :P 

Dad & Mary cooking us up the traditional breakfast we have every year!

There's just somethin' about an orange that makes it feel like Christmas to me.

The spread! Eggs & bacon, grits, orange slices & this to-die-for amazing coffee cake.

Sister love. :)

The little guys' excitement before the gift exchange is contagious! 

For as long as I can remember this has been a Christmas tradition from my parents to each of us kids - an orange, nuts & chocolate. :) 

It's totally awesome to have brothers that are so decisively manly. {Not that hunting makes you manly --if that were the case i'd be one . . .  lol!}

Bobby (right) took me deer hunting on the 26th last year and we had so much fun we're goin' again this year! 

I love kids because they remind me to be thankful for the simple things in life. 

"Do you like my hat?" 

So thankful this amazing woman is my mom! 

Yoga mat for Christmas, anyone?

Tradition, tradition! Homemade Italian sausage soup for lunch. If you want the recipe, shoot me an e-mail - I'm happy to share. :) 

This soup is delicious! But, then you know those things that are good simply because of the incredible memories attached? 

I had a little salad along side lunch, too. 

Makin' fudge this afternoon. :) Let me just recommend - if you don't have evaporated milk don't try subbing . . . lol!!!! 

My plate piled high for Christmas Eve dinner! {Can I hold all of this???}

A sentimental journey - eating off my great-grandmother Nana's silverware. These are her engraved initials. Isn't this so lovely? 

Chit-chatting with the cousins after the meal this evening. And, with that - I'll call it a night! Every blessing to you and yours this holiday season. More pics to come . . . :) 

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