
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Upcoming New Year Nutrition Kick-Off / Sign-Up for the Challenge!

The past two 7-Day Green Smoothie challenges were smashing successes simple because I got to see you guys having fun with healthy habits. With the new year fast approaching, I'm hosting another 7-Day Green Smoothie challenge as a fun way to kick off 2013!

The 1st of the year is a great time to pump some green nutrition in our bodies! I will be linking to the blog posts that you send me along with recipes and some fun tips. :-)

Rules are the same at last time. :) Just one! Add one green smoothie to your daily eats for 7 days straight.

I will list all of the participates on Day 1 of 7 for the 2013 7-Day Green Smoothie Challenge on Jan 1st! so be sure to leave a comment below to participate and be apart of the fun!

If you'd like to receive instant updates throughout this challenge with yummy recipes for tasty green smoothies, Click here to Subscribe!


  1. Had so much fun last time. Sign me up again! :)

  2. I'm in! Great idea for a healthy start to the year!

  3. Hey girl!!! You know I'm totally in for this green smoothie challenge! :)
    Have a wonderful day!!

  4. sounds like the perfect way to start the new year especially as my healthy eating habits are getting kinda samey atm

  5. I totally want to sign up - but I'll be out of town from the 1st to the 4th :( Guess I'll just start a few days late!

  6. I will definitely join in!! Glad I stumbled on your blog!

  7. I totally need to do this! I saw your comment on Seaweed & Sassafras and I am in for the challenge!

  8. This sounds great, but are there smoothies without dairy products? Most I have seen in the past have yogurt in them and (even though some people with lactose intolerance can) my stomach can't tolerate it. I am a soy/almond milk drinker...could I substitute that in some? Let me know, I would LOVE to join you!

  9. Hi Kaleigh, It's absolutely possible to make them dairy free!

    Here's a link to a tasty recipe I made using almond milk:

    Hope you'll join us!

  10. @ Addy - Hey, girl! It's totally fine to start a few days after everyone else. The main goal is just to do it!

  11. Hey Katherine! :) You can sign me up again! I'm pretty busy this next week with moving up to college, so I know some green smoothie action would help me keep up the energy and help with the transition. :)

  12. @ Kat - sounds great, girl! Can't wait :) Hope everything goes well for you!

  13. Sign me up! :)

    Abby @

  14. I'm in! I love my green smoothies!

    You can find me over at - I'll post about it at least once, I'm sure :)

  15. Thanks, Sara - so glad you're in. :) Can't wait to read your posts!

  16. New blog reader and excited about the challenge! Sign me up. :-)

  17. I am totally up for this challenge! Now to go arm myself with all the necessary ingredients

  18. I did the first challenge with you and I'm going to do it again. But I don't have any spinach in the house right now so this may be a six-day challenge for me. No matter, I'm looking forward to being more 80 and less 20 as far as my "everything-in-moderation" diet goes.

  19. @ Ash - Awesome, girl! You got it :)

    @ the bakers sheet - great! if you need help with recipes shoot me an e-mail - I'm happy to suggest :)

    @ Stephanie - fantastic! so awesome to have you doing this, especially since you were part of the original group back in March! Don't feel pressure. Just do what you can - that's what this is all about!

  20. Dear Katherine,
    I just came across your lovely blog. I started running a few months ago and love it more and more (one new year resolution of mine is to run a marathon in 2013 if everything goes well...but most importantly: not to lose by passion about running). And with my increasing activity level I discovered that my eating habits changed naturally to more healthy and"clean" stuff. So your blog really appeals to me.
    And as I had my first green smoothie two days ago (thats really true), I am also in for this challenge - looking forward to your reicpes. Sounds like a good start for 2013. I hope I´m not too late ...
    Wish you happy new year,

  21. @ Sarah - You are in perfect timing! Glad you're joining us!!! Wow, your running goals are so inspiring! I look forward to getting to know you :)

  22. Sign me up! I was planning an one a day anyway, so now I can have a way to stay accountable!

  23. @ Andrea - great, girl! I'll add you to the participant list and link to you :)

  24. Sign me up!!!!!! I'm so excited ! I LOVE green smoothies!! :D

  25. I'm in! Had a tasty smoothie with spinache, fresh orange juice, mint and a half banana to cheer to the new year. You can follow me on instagram @carmenthielsch

  26. Sounds like a great way to start the new year! Sign me up!

  27. is it too late to sign up? i want in, please!

  28. @ christie - no, you're in perfect timing. :) Carmen & Lauren - I'm adding you to the list, too!

  29. Regardless of whether or not it's too late to "truly" sign up, I'm joining in, along with my husbnd and kids! We started on Dec 31 at trying to get back in the green smoothie habit.

  30. @ Katrina - It's really too late! Glad you're joining us - I'll add you to the list of participants. :)

  31. I know it's late but I'd like to join in as well! Oddly enough I did drink a green smoothie yesterday anyway!

    Thanks for hosting this!

  32. @ Mariel - that's awesome! adding your name to the list now. :-)

  33. I'm a little late in the challenge but I want to sign up! I missed yesterday but had a green smoothie this morning. Sounds like a great idea :)

  34. Fantastic, Kristen! Glad you're joining us. :-)

  35. Thanks for the invite - sorry for the delay, we were enjoying the holidays! I always include a green smoothie in my daily eats :) Happy New Year!

  36. I'm on my 6th day for the new years challenge and will start on the spring challenge next week. It's never too late to eat (drink) healthy. It doesn't feel like a challenge because your recipe mixes are delicious. Thanks.

    - Treadmill Girl


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