
Friday, February 8, 2013

Appalachian Mountains

Phew! I feel like there is so much to catch-up on!!! I apologize for the lack of posting. :( I'm back!! hehe!

It's been one of the best wks. ever. :) Here's a taste of what i've been up to of late. :p . . .

Snow! Yeah- my favoritess!!! After last wk's piano competition my family had planned to spend a little  winter vacation in the Appalachian Mountains for a few days so Saturday morning we all packed up & piled in the car!

So then, since it snowed . . . this had to happen! 

Who else loves a good old-fashioned snowball fight?!

I also love a good sled ride. Cheap fun = no replacement. hehe!

Too fun! This is me and my sister Allie getting ready to shove off. 

Yes! I love winter sports. :) Not that I'm super good at them but i can be a good "sport" with a tumble in the snow. lol! 

I believe the running injury is healed! Went for my 1st run in over 2wks on Wed and had a blast. :) Felt simply. amazing to get back at it! 

This morning I went for a slow 4-miler in prep for the Krispy Kreme race tomorrowMessage me if you're going and want to meet-up! Almost ten thousand participants have signed-up and it's for a GREAT cause!!! 

What did you think of Alicia Keys performance of the National Anthem on Super Bowl Sunday? {eeek!} 

Any fun food choices that day? :) 

Chicken pot pie and coconut ice cream, for me!

This was part of Monday's events. :-) When I asked for recommendations - most of you said go with snowboarding and I took ya up on it!!! 

Thankful there aren't a ton of pictures of me on my tail although that is probably were I spent most of my time. I was incredible sore the next day from getting up and down (or crashing, i should say) and flipping that huge board around trying to get up! 

I made some really good friends on the bunny slope, though. {hehe!}

I actually hit the slopes 2 days in a row! I went for skiing the second day as i wanted something i could control so i could talk w/ friends. :) {i'm definitely going for the snowboard again, though. so don't worry - i haven't given up!} 

The evening was ended with a smash hit at Pizza Hut! 

PerfectFit protein company sent me some individual packet samples to try out. I have to say -- they're great for travel! 

I had part of a Cliff bar for lunch one day and it gave me the WORST headache. Must have been the preservatives? Not sure but whatever it was my body did NOT like it!

Since cafeteria food seriously grosses me out - I made a tomato sandwich for the mid-day meal on the 2nd day at the slopes. Result? Felt so much better! :) What is your default food you pack for picnics?

I hit the sales at the mall, girls! $80 pair of adorable boots for 27 bucks? Made me happy! I know it can be annoying to dig through random sizes but sometimes you just hit the jackpot! 

Ok, folks - can't believe it's Friday! Tomorrow is race day . . . .yeeeaaaah! What are your plans for the wk/end? 

As a side note - yesterday was the 1 year anniversary for this blog!!! Waaahhh!!! Has it really been a yr?! 

You guys are totally awesome. 

When I wrote my first post I had no idea the community I was tapping into. I am so grateful for each and everyone of my blog readers and for the friendships that are blossoming as result. Looking forward to the future! 


  1. Snowball Fight!!! That is all...

  2. Looks like you had a great weekend! I'm glad you tried the board -- my first time snowboarding, I was so sore I felt like I couldn't walk, and my knees were all bruised from falling. But it got much better :)

    I also have a race this weekend, my first 5K in quite a while. We'll see what happens!

  3. Snow! Yay! We're finally getting some in my neck of the woods. I'm so excited.

  4. This looks totally awesome!



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