
Monday, February 11, 2013

Healthy Valentine's Day Giveaway (s)

Today is special because I've put together a fun little Valentine's day giveaway for all of my sweet readers!

February is American Heart month. :) The statistics are craaazzy, though {1 in 3 US deaths are due to heart disease or stroke}. The good news is there ARE some preventative measures!  

This giveaway is sponsored by EnergyBits. I did a review on this company a few months back so if you want more info, click here!

Do you love chocolate but want to enjoy in the healthy sort of way?! Then, this is for you! 

Smith Organic Chocolate sent me a 1/2 sampler box and let me tell you -- ooh, opening this box heightened my senses! The chocolates smell so good - I'm dying to trying them but am going to try and hold off till Valentine's Day. :p

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The winner of the Smith Organic Chocolate giveaway will receive 12 assorted organic truffles presented in a beautiful red heart-shaped box with gold script lettering. (Click here to see!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway (for some reason the raffler widget is acting up so just click on the link to enter and it should work)

Equal Exchange is offering 1 box of each of their Geobars to a winner! That's a total of 18 nutrition bars (flavors: apricot, mixed berry, chocolate raisin). 

And, just because they're so sweet they sent me a sample box to try out for hosting this giveaway. :) 

You'd be surprised - it does take a bit to coordinate this kind of stuff so don't think i'm getting stuff "for free"! :p  So with that - I'm excited to try out what they sent me!  Organic olive oil, a few Geobars and mini samples of delicious dark chocolate (vegan, soy and gluten-free). 

Click here if you're interested in learning about from bean to chocolate! 

All winners will be announced on Valentine's Day so be sure to check back! Special thanks to Smith Organic Chocolate, Equal Exchange Chocolates, and EnergyBits for sponsoring these giveaways! Hope you enjoy. :-) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love dark chocolate! That box of chocolates looks ridiculously good to me right now.

  3. I love dark choc, i love the hint of bitterness and sweetness combined :)

  4. Totally milk chocolate but lean towards dark chocolate because it is healthier.

  5. I love dark chocolate, although I hated it when I was younger!

  6. I love dark chocolate but I'd have to say milk is my favorite.

  7. I love dark chocolate! It's delicious and healthy!

  8. Thanks for dropping by Unfussy Epicure! Those chocolates look awesome....


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