
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pesto Alfredo Spagetti

Ok - take a guess (and no cheating!). What's this made with? Hint, hint - it's raw. :)

Yesterday Day 1 of 14 went pretty well! Thanks to each of you who left a sweet comment to spur me on! I already eat a lot of raw food, but I do love like baked goods so I'm curious to see how I'm going to handle a whole 2 wks. :p

This recipe far surpassed my wildest imaginations! Here's the recipe for you brave souls. :)

Raw Zucchini Spagetti
4 medium sized organic zucchini
2 cups fresh basil
2 cloves garlic
1/3 cup nutritional yeast (I used Kal's vegan/raw/non GMO version)
juice of 1 lemon
1/2 cup olive oil (organic, if possible)
salt/pepper, to taste

There are a couple of ways you can shred the zucchini to make it look like pasta. :) You can use a hand crank (like I did) or a julienne peeler (visit Angie's blog for tutorial).

Directions for Zucchini

Wash and peel zucchini. Shred, whatever method you prefer. :) Set aside.

Pesto Directions 

Wash basil, pat dry. In a food processor (or blender), pulse 2 cloves fresh minced garlic, nutritional  yeast, and lemon juice. Add olive oil. Pulse until thoroughly blended. Toss w/ your zucchini pasta and serve with a garnish of fresh basil and tomato slices. Enjoy!


I am really surprised at how delicious raw zucchini tastes (add the pesto in there and you've go - bam!). I think it really has a lot to with the individual zucchinis themselves. Go for the hard and firm ones versus the soft and mealy. And, don't worry - if you happen to make this mistake you will quickly realize what you did and never do that again. :p

If you'd prefer marinara sauce over pesto you can check out this link from Culinary Adventures in the Kitchen! I've never tried it, but it looks good!

So, I'm raw and running at the moments, folks. hehe! Just over a 3 and a 1/2 mile run this morning. :) Have a great day!!!!

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What was your first guess at ingredients when you saw the top picture? 

Would you give zucchini spaghetti a taste? 

How far did you go on your last run? 


  1. This looks delicious! I love zucchini noodles and am always looking for fun ways to use nooch. Thanks!
    -Michelle @ EMB

  2. This looks soo delicious!!! Now I cant wait for my dinner. New follower!!

  3. So creative! I'd like to try this since I like zucchini and basil. My last run was 5 miles - getting ready for a half marathon on Saturday!

  4. I LOVE Pesto, but certainly would have guessed it was some sort of noodle in that dish. Did you refrigerate the zucchini or eat it room temp?
    Looks delish!

  5. I seriously would have never guessed that holy cow making this TONIGHT looks amazing!!
    Thanks for another great recipe friend!

  6. I've been meaning to try zucchini pasta! Looks delish!

  7. This looks seriously delicious!

  8. This looks good, I will have to try it!

  9. This looks so awesome! I love that it is a healthy alternative to pasta! Thanks for sharing :).

  10. Yum - I love zucchini pasta. The sauce looks delicious :-)

  11. ooooh i want to try this!! Looks delish!

  12. this looks amazing! I love zucchini, I am going to have to try this come summer. I usually just pair it with a little lemon juice, S+P :)


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