
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hot Yoga = My 1st Try :)

I think bell peppers and hummus are one of the most refreshing snacks for quick and on-the-go situations. Try it sometime! You can buy the fajita veggie mix in the fresh veggie section of your grocery store, grab a small container of hummus and you are set.

So, this was me at the office just before leaving for a hot yoga class with my sister yesterday evening. It was my first experience! I've consistently done stretching routines for over a year now on my own so I was really excited to see how much I could do in a group setting!

Pigeon is my favorite. Just saying . . . :) I guess that's because I'm a runner and this just does the trick to release hip tension after a workout!

As a novice, here are some things that I *heart* about Yoga:

  1. It's a parallel to life (meaning: you try - it's hard, and then it gets easier. You move to the next level. Repeat. You can always improve.)
  2. You compare yourself to the best you can be - not others on their mats. 
  3. It's just as much mental as it is physical. (If you think you can or can't- you're right either way.) 
  4. You feel AMAZING afterwards (I kid you not - my whole body felt better relaxed and in alignment after last night's practice!)
  5. You listen to your body - what are your limits? you'll never know unless you try. 
The ending of the class was incredible as we all just rested on our mats mediating. Whenever I take the time to calm my mind and dwell on the goodness of God I feel refreshed!  {Psalm 46:10}

Do you do yoga? Have you been to a class before? Have you ever done hot yoga? 


  1. i love hot yoga, such a great way to get fit!

  2. wow, never really got to me...

  3. I LOVE hot yoga! It's my favorite class to go to and "just" be a student.
    Pigeon is my absolute favorite, too!! That and Triangle & Revolving Triangle. Again...because all 3 poses hit the sore spots from running :)

  4. I love yoga! I haven't done hot yoga before, but I'd love to try it. Pigeon is a favorite pose of mine. Especially while I was preggo--love the way it opens up your hips!

  5. I have never tried it but I heard a lot about hot yoga. :)

    Style Without Limits

  6. Hot yoga is the best! I love the feeling when you get out of class.

  7. I've never done hot yoga! I really want to try but I'm not even sure it's offered around here.

  8. I love love love hot yoga! I leave feeling so refreshed and like a new person. I haven't taken a class in a while, but I really need to. Pigeon is by far my favorite pose as well!

  9. Hot Yoga is on my to do list! Yoga in general. I've really been wanting to get into it more and take some yoga classes of all kinds.

    Glad you enjoyed your experience!!

  10. I love hot def is 1/2 a mental battle I just wish it was tad bit shorter, it's so hard to fit into my schedule :(

  11. Hi!!! We are new to your blog. Love what we have seen so far!!! Hope you check us out!

  12. Bell peppers are my fave veggie ever! I have always wanted to try yoga but i'm a major chicken because I know I'd be awful at it I'm not flexible at all right now

  13. I have wanted to try yoga for a while now, I just haven't gotten around to it. I seen a sign in a window of a business that I run past the other day and I need to take to time to call and just go. Because it is something that I would love to try

  14. I'm a new yogi too, but I love it soooo much! Hot yoga feels amazing on tight runner muscles too.

  15. Yummy looking crudites - I love capsicum with hummus :D
    Glad you loved your yoga class, funnily enough I enjoy all forms of yoga except hot yoga! I hate feeling "hot" during a workout and always like to have a fan on me or to workout when it's really cold outside.
    I enjoy pigeon pose though, it's so intensely relaxing for releasing tension :D

  16. I love yoga! It goes so well with running. Not sure I would like hot yoga, I keep hearing about it though and am sure I will try it at some point.


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