
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cowgirl Up, Skydiving Lessons + Needing a Nap = Random Post

Yeehaw! I got to go to the Jx2 Roping Show this morning. :-) 

Up bright & early this morning to support my baby sister as she kicked off the competition by singing the National Anthem! Amazing job - Mary!!!! You hit those high notes like a pro and I'm so proud of you, girl!

I got back home about 2 o'clock after an amazing and productive day (grocery shopping, running errands, etc). Ate a refreshing salad and then koncked out for an afternoon nap. :) This is so rare for me so I must have been really tired! 

I think everything was just kind of catching up to me as I feel like I've put a lot into this week, emotional speaking - trying to help friends and family through some tough times. Thankful for truth!!!!!!!!! If God is for us, who can be against us?! 

My sweet grandma Mimi treated my brothers to skydiving lessons for all their birthdays! All 5 of them have birthdays back to back (Feb, March & April!) so this was such a great idea and incredible experience!!! Waah - flying through the air in a tunnel at 120 mph is a little fast, for me. :p 

There are only a couple of indoor skydiving places in the entire country so it's pretty neat that they got to do this. One of the perks to living in a military town! Maybe . . . just maybe I could get up enough courage. :-p 

Ok, guys! Happy Saturday -  every blessing to you and have a great wk/end!!!! See you early next week. :) 

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What are you up to this wk/end?

Are you nap person? :)

Would you give skydiving a try? 


  1. It's been a quiet weekend, lots of cleaning and getting stuff done. Which I need since I was gone last weekend and will be gone next weekend.

    I'm not normally a nap person, but every once in awhile I will need one. It's good to listen to your body when it's tired.

    I would love to try skydiving even though I am very scared of heights. Someone would likely have to push me or I could go tandem. Not sure I could jump on my own. My husband was an airborne ranger,he's jumped out of all sorts of aircraft in many different places. But he's says it's not the same thing as skydiving. Same to me!!

  2. Amazing pics!!! That salad looks delicious!!

    Kisses, Lucy :)

  3. Woow great blog . yummy salads.Am following u .glad if u will follow me back dear.

  4. i would love to do the skydiving in a tunnel!!! i want to try the real thing, but i am way too scared of heights :) where was this?

    a peek of chic


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