
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Don't Settle.

It's Saturday which means another amazing week is behind us! Last night my brother Bobby and I went to a house/apartment warming party to welcome some newly met friends to town - always fun. :) 

Then, we hit the fro-yo place (sorry, no pic!) to meet up with an old friend where we literally chatted about everything under the sun. I'm totally on a kick. Motto? "Don't settle. Decide and do." 

This morning I skipped yoga class and indulged in a dvd workout called "Killer Legs". Totally awesome! We'll see if I'm sore tomorrow . . . :p

I'm at the office now for a little catch-up work + preparation for next week and then it's back home to get ready for an event this evening!

So, my wk/end is off to an incredible start! Any dynamic plans for you or just kicking back? 

What are you refusing to settle for in your life & instead are choosing to take action on? :) 


  1. Career! I had to change things up a lot in order to be with my husband...long-distance is a no-can-do, so I had to get creative...

  2. Had a great race at the Great Race - third in my age group! What a weekend!

  3. Great post! I'm refusing to let other people (especially the media) tell me what I can and cannot do. I am refusing to let negative images in the media effect me to think that I am not special, beautiful and loved.

    Love you blog! New follower :)

    Discovering Janae

  4. Hope your Sunday was as fab as your Saturday! xxx

  5. Sounds like a great day! Hope your legs were just sore enough were you know the work out was a good one...but not TOO sore! :)


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