
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Raw Chocolate Brownies

Are you ready for some totally amazing, super simplistic RAW chocolate brownies?! Ok- here you go!!!! I made these last night as a "reward" for sticking to the 14 day raw challenge. :)  

I completed the challenge - 99.9 %. I think counts, do you? :p Part of it was learning curve is discovering what is raw and what isn't. 

  • 1 cup nuts (i used pecans)
  • 1 cup pitted dates
  • 4 tablespoons raw cacao powder
  • 4 tablespoons coconut flour 
  • 4 tablespoons organic blue agave
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 

Throw it all into a food processor and mix it up! That's it. This is a case of too easy to be true if there ever was one!

Pat into pan. Serve with a smile. :) 

I took a plate into work today and they were all gone by lunch! Slightly selfish reason on my part; these brownies are ssooo good I didn't want them at the house where I would be tempted to eat them all. :p Glad everyone enjoyed them! 

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What's your favorite "indulgent" dessert? :) 

Have you tried making a raw sweet/dessert before? 

Are you more a sweet or salty type of person? 

Link-up for Fresh Friday tomorrow!!! 


  1. These look awesome! So similar to the Nakd bars that I absolutely love as they use dates to help bind the ingredients too! Will definitely be giving these a go! :)

  2. Indulgent dessert.... ohhh too many too name!! I loovvve sweets (which answers your last question) Too name a few I'd say chocolate cake, cinnabuns, and sweet potato pie!

    I have. They were these chocolate ball things. I didn't care for them but I'd love to try this!! & I will!

    Glad they were a hit a work!


  3. So glad to hear you girls are going to give these a try!!! Let me know how they turn out for you!

    Rhiannon - I've never tried the Nakd bars - I'll have to check those out! Thanks for the tip :)

    Preshii - I know, i know. somethings are just too good. :p

  4. Wow! I absolutely adore sweets...a little too much I must admit. This recipe sounds fantastic! I prefer sweet and salty like a yummy chocolate covered pretzel. Yummy! Congrats on your raw diet. You have way more willpower than I do.

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