
Friday, March 30, 2012

I'm Hosting a Giveaway!

In light of how inspirational and successful the current 7-Day Green Smoothie Challenge has been, I'm hosting a give away! The incredible team over at Amazing Grass is graciously offering to give away a box of energy bars to 2 top winners! How sweet is that?!

Okay, so here's how it works. All you have to do is leave your name in the comments below. If you put a link to my blog on your site I will enter your name twice, but be sure to mention this when you comment so I know. This will give you a greater chance to win! The winners will  be chosen through a random name selector and announced at the beginning of next week.

The 2 winners will each get to pick the Amazing Grass energy bar box of their choice!

Please be sure to "Like" the Amazing Grass Facebook page! We definitely want to support good companies. The one catch for entering the giveaway is that we need you to live in the US or Canada. 

I've been a fan of these bars for a while now and I think you're going to love them too! I like to eat as much fresh food as possible but it's nice to have that packaged version for when you're on the go and the peace of mind that it's good for you! :)

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Here's my green smoothie for the day! Day 5 of 7 :)

It had a tropical twist: pineapple, mango, spinach and raw protein powder. Delish! I think I'm hooked on these things :) Has anyone else noticed any increased energy or health benefits? 

Greens contain cellulose which is one of the strongest molecule structures on the planet! Because of this, to get the cells in the greens to release their nutrition we have to chew and chew and chew. Well, obviously, most of us just don't do this. That's why "chewing" our greens in the blender is such a great option! It allows the nutrition contained in the greens to be released and us to get the benefits in a quick and easy way!

Hope you are having a wonderful Friday and enjoy your weekend! Sign-up for the contest and tell your friends- who knows you might be the winner! 


  1. What a fantastic giveaway to go with the green smoothie challenge! Your smoothie sounds delicious. I need to go get some mango, that sounds just perfect for a green smoothie. I will be sure to include a link to your site promoting the giveaway in tomorrows post!

    -Lauren George

  2. What a great giveaway. Thanks!

    -Jeff Steedle

  3. What an awesome giveaway! I've really been enjoying the green smoothie challenge- even my husband likes them! I gave part to my daughter (in an opaque sippy cup) and she gulped it down :)

    -Sarah Lodge

  4. I love amazing grass products. What a great idea - count me in!

  5. I love putting amazing grass products in my green smoothies!

  6. Great giveaway! Today I had milk, spinach, cocoa powder, agave nectar, frozen banana, plain Greek yogurt, and spinach.

  7. Great giveaway! This morning I had mango, pineapple, banana, milk and spinach. Delicious!

    -Charlie Manch

    1. Hi Charlie- I had mango and pineapple yesterday too! Like you said, delicious!

  8. I've always wanted to try those green superfood bars but they are so expensive! This giveaway would be a great way to try them!

    - Stephany

    1. I know what you mean, Stephany! They are expensive and I only eat them on occasion. They are a good source of nutrition though when you need them! So glad you've entered the giveaway :)

  9. My green smoothie had 2% plain yogurt, a frozen banana, grapes, frozen strawberries, chia seeds and lots of spinach :)

    Fantastic giveaway! Those bars look DELICIOUS!!
    - Denise

  10. I found Amazing Grass energy bars at the Ambrosia closest to me and holy moly they are soo good (I bought the chocolate peanut butter one)! But too expensive for me to eat often ):

    This is such an amazing giveaway!

    Also, I'll share my green smoothie:
    - half frozen banana
    - frozen mango
    - two kiwis
    - 1/2 cup 0% plain greek yogurt
    - 1 tbsp chia seeds
    - lots of spinach, at least a cup :P

    I linked your giveaway on my blog too :) I really hope more people find out about it!

    1. I think the chocolate PB is one of my favorites too. Can't say for sure though as I haven't tired all of their products :) Maybe one day!

      Love your smoothie, I need to give that one a try! And, I will enter you twice- thanks, Catherine!

  11. Replies
    1. Me too! I had the wheatgrass drink this morning :)

  12. Hope its not to late to enter! My name is Lauren and I have been participating in the 7 day green smoothie challenge as well!!

    1. Hi Lauren, I'm planning to announce the winners Tuesday morning so you're in perfect timing! Glad you entered :-)


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