
Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Little Garden & Baking Confessions

Here's the "before" picture! Not promising there will be an "after" picture, but we'll see. :) 

I took this picture last night right before going out to plant with little bros. Relishing these cool, breezy evenings with my family :)

I also made TWO of these cakes yesterday afternoon for guests we're having tomorrow evening. Quite the workout! This, my friends, is hands down one of the best cake recipes in the whole wide world. You must give it a try.

I took these pics late last night as I wrapping them up for their overnight stay in the fridge to keep them moist. Enjoy! Click here to head over to Taste of Home for their Southern Chocolate Torte recipe.

It's Day 4 for the Green Smoothie Challenge! Hope you're enjoying it! Have you discovered any new favorites? 

Here's my delicious strawberry smoothie. I let a friend, who doesn't typically like this kind of stuff, taste it and she loved it! I was pleasantly surprised myself because I put tons of spinach in it and that can change the taste, but it turned out sweet- just like a strawberry. I figured I needed the increased nutrition as I have a huge day ahead me :) The kind I like best! Never a dull moment. I'm now off to the grocery store to help make food for a sit down dinner for 25 people this evening. So fun!

Stayed tuned for Friday- special giveaway announcement coming!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your garden! I've always wanted to plant one, but my little pup would eat it up!


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