
Monday, April 16, 2012

Accentuate the Positive (Eliminate the Negative)

It's Monday again and I hope every one's hard at work! I love it when I'm so excited about life that I go to bed thinking about the next day's adventures and have those "tickles" in my stomach when I wake-up because I'm so thrilled about attacking my to-do list. I'm learning happiness really has nothing to do with what my life holds as much as my perspective and eternal values. Do you find this to be true as well?

Over the weekend, I savored two green smoothies with kale. I'm getting to where I crave these things and feel deprived when I don't have them! ha! Never would have envisioned myself this way, but so grateful to be here. 

This was a stir-fry we enjoyed over the weekend! It included broccoli, peas, organic tamari soy sauce and our own grass-fed beef, doesn't get better than this folks! There are many health benefits to grass-fed beef and I highly recommend it if you're going to eat beef. It can be a bit of an adjustment with the cooking though as grass-fed meat is considerably less fatty than grain-fed meat but nothing you can't learn to adjust to. 

So I ran 3 miles this morning and also did a 20 min FIRM express sculpt DVD. My goal for this week is to run a total of 15 miles. That's about what I did last week and I'd like to do that again: 3 down, 12 more to go! We'll see if I can make it :) What are your workout goals for the week, please post?!


  1. My goal is to workout 5 times this week, and if I don't do any two-a-days (usually running about 4 miles and yoga for about an hour), I'd like to workout 6 times this week. I've been doing power yoga for about two months now, and it's awesome!


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