
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Banana-Honey Granola Bars

Good morning, y'all! It's a beautiful Saturday here in east North Carolina! The sun is shining and we couldn't ask for a better day :)

I went running this morning, twice actually. Always like to put it towards the front of the list on a Saturday to be sure it gets done, especially when I have a long run scheduled.  Both runs were 30 min long and I covered a total of 6 miles with a stretching break in the middle. I wasn't going for distance so much as trying to increase my endurance. Now if I can just put those two training sessions together that would be great! I'm hoping to run my very 1st 10K soon!

{This was my salad from last night's supper}

Okay, so onto the fun part! Granola bars!!! I love anything with carbs. Ooh, now my body doesn't always appreciate the results of those desires, but we're working on that :P

{A shot of the ingredients}

I searched and searched to find a recipe that didn't call for flour or white sugar, all too no avail! Ahh! I just wanted a wholesome granola bar recipe... Thankfully, I stumbled across one and I love it!

So here's the recipe I found with a few modifications:

Real Food Runner Granola Bars
1 medium, very ripe banana
2 cups raw oats
1/2 cup Smucker's peanut butter
1/2 cup raw honey
2 tablespoons flaxseed powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon apple pie spice blend
dried cranberries (I sprinkled close to a cup, whatever works for you)

Mix it all up and press into pan. Cut into squares. Enjoy for your post-workout snack or a grab-and-go!

And... the finished product!

You can even wrap them up as gifts for friends or send with the kids for a healthy snack!

What kitchen creations have you made recently? Anyone else training for a race? I'd love to hear!!! It always excites me to hear from my readers :) 


  1. Those look really good (wish I could eat peanut butter!)

    1. Could you try substituting with almond or coconut butter? Just a thought!

  2. These look super YUM-O! Do you know what the nutrition stats are...carbs? fiber? calls? Just curious! Can't wait to try these :)

    1. Hi Tara- I got the base recipe from this link ( and it has nutrition facts listed. I used 1/2 the peanut butter called for but than I add dried fruit so I'm not sure what mine turned out to be exactly, but I'd image they are at least close to the original recipe :)

  3. Those look delicious.... I'm definitely going to have to whip these up sometime soon! If you get a chance, check out my latest post about Blogging Advice! I would love to hear your input:)

  4. That looks good!

    I've tagged you on a post... :)


  5. Looks delish!
    I was wondering if you know how long the bars are good for? I live alone, so I would take a while to eat the entire batch.

  6. I will have to make these for my daughter. She loves all things banana!

  7. These sound great! Easy to make and healthy! Care to share at my Healthy Tuesday hop?


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