
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

And, the Winner is...

Congratulations to Lauren G. & Karen! You both get to pick the Amazing Grass energy bar box of your choice! I am so excited for you two and hope you really enjoy these products. If you will just shoot me an e-mail at with your address and bar flavor choice than I will happily ship them to you! Thanks so much everyone for participating! There's always next time :)

A special thanks goes to Amazing Grass for sponsoring this giveaway. They have some really incredible products many of which I can't wait to try for myself. I can speak for the wheat grass though, that stuff is great! I take it every morning before I go running and it gives my body great nutrition for a tough workout.

{My breakfast smoothie after working out this morning with flax powder and goji berries}

So I hope the week is off to a fabulous start for you. I hit it hard yesterday with the training and went for a 40 min run and then upper body weight lifting (one of my favorites!). Slightly sore today, but I still went ahead with my plan and ran 3 miles this morning and then did a few minutes of Insanity. Fun but insane. How have your workouts been going? 

I'm planning to do a recipe post soon... we'll see what I can cook up :P Any requests?


  1. I'm so glad I found your blog, it looks amazing! I'm craving another green smoothie today after looking at your pictures :)

    - Shauna Our Emerald City

  2. I'm so excited I won! I can't wait to try the Amazing Grass energy bars. Thanks for hosting the giveaway. I also loved the Green Smoothie Challenge. My favorite smoothie of the week was kiwi, strawberry, soy milk and spinach.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway! Maybe I'll win next time, haha :P Your green smoothie of the day sounds delicious!

  4. Yay, I'm so excited I won! I can't wait to try the bars. I just sent you an email. Thanks again girl!


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