
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Strawberry Ice Cream

It's that time of year again. Local strawberries are in!!! I look forward to this every year, all year long.

So my little 7yrs old brother and I hopped in the car this afternoon to go pick some luscious looking berries together in the spacious country air. Don't you just love being out in nature? We then came home and turned those beautiful berries into strawberry ice cream! It was supposed to be a dairy-free, low glycemic version... don't ask what happen :-P Sufficed to say, we're still looking for that perfect recipe, if you happen to have one I'd love to know about it!

 {A wonderful treat for a warm, spring day!}

Here's a taste of what we had for supper last night. It was super delish! I have the best sisters. They encourage me to eat healthy even when I don't feel like it. We made this veggie stir-fry with onions, fresh garlic, Bragg liquids aminios, broccoli, cauliflower and fresh tomato. My youngest brother loved it so much he even asked for seconds! I know, suprising for kids to ask for more healthy food, but they desire what we cultivate. It's a learning process...

This was my sandwich from today's lunch. A veggie medley warmed for a few seconds under the broiler with pineapple wedges.

These angel eggs are part of what I made for our family supper. After a hard day's work it's nice to all gather together for a home cooked meal. The secret to this southern delicacy is a dash of nutmeg. My Aunt Rhonda taught me that. I love cooking with her!

It's my off day, workout wise. So happy! See you tomorrow with more updates :) 


  1. Those are beautiful strawberries! Your blog is great and I love how balanced your life is :) Thanks for giving us something fun to read.

  2. O wow, that ice cream looks amazing!

    1. It was fun to make! A great project to do with kids on a warm afternoon.


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