
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chocolate Mousse Recipe + Random Post

It's recipe time! This is one of my very favorites and I think you'll love it too :) This chocolate mousse recipe isn't your typical, but it is a great option if you're looking for a way to get some healthy fats in and enjoy a satisfying dessert. If you don't tell anyone, I bet they won't be able to guess it's made with avocados!!!

{4 organic apples for just $1.12}

And, I just have to share with you this fabulous deal my sister Kristen found on organic apples this week! 4 organic apples for just $1.12!!! The secret? Shop off the "ripe shelf". The produce it just as good, the only thing is you have to eat it quickly as it's already ripe. It's worth it for us though, as we go through this stuff fast and we get a good deal in the process! Just thought I'd throw that out there. Anything to save a few dollars :-)

My sisters and I had a vocal recording session yesterday which was tons of fun! We were able to knock out two songs that we've wanted to do for a while pretty quickly which was nice. You never know how things are going to go when you're recording. You might get it right on the first try or it could take you ten! You never know :) I'll be sure to give you a sample though once I get the finished tracks back :0)

{Kitchen tables are great for lots of things!}

{This is me, getting ready to sing}

{Delicious "set" food}

This was scrumptious morning bread, sweetened with honey, that Mary and I  yesterday afternoon as a gift for our horse farrier.

And, a shot of my delicious chocolate banana smoothie I enjoyed for breakfast. Here's a quick rundown of the recipe: 8oz water, 3/4 banana, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, and a few leaves of kale and ice to thicken. Yummy!

I read this motivational quote this afternoon and thought it was great: "A man too busy to busy to take care of his body is like a mechanic too busy to care for his tools." Thought this was a great analogy and wanted to share it with you!

So now onto the long await chocolate mousse recipe....

{Chocolate mousse ingredients}

I went off this recipe as my base, and did a little experimenting :) Here's my recipe:

2 avacados
1/4 - 1/2 cup raw cacao
1/4 -1/2 cup blue agave (depending how sweet you want it)
1/2 cup or more dates
1/2 cup Irish moss
1-2 tablespoons Smuckers PB

That's it! Just mix it all up in your food processor and you have a quick and easy, delicious dessert. 

Here's the finished product topped with a sprig of fresh chocolate mint. So delicious!

{Inside photo}

{Outside photo. The difference in lighting is fun :) }

After taking this picture of the mousse outside, I came back in and dipped freshly picked strawberries in it. Oh my, talk about something succulent!!! 


Thus far this week, I've run over 10 miles with today logging 3.5 miles. And just for fun, I'd thought I'd mention that today I hit the 150 mile mark since the New Year. Obviously, I'm a beginner runner but I'll take what I can get :) I'm interested to see what that total number looks like at the end of December.

Anyways, the week is going well, hope it is for you too! Please comment and share :-)

Oh and PS: I going to a play downtown tonight! So excited, I love anything artsy...


  1. Um, recording, plays, chocolate mousse, running, apples....
    I feel like we could be really good friends :) haha
    Oh, Just Living the Dream

  2. I've seen recipes for mouse made with avocado and am so intrigued! It looks awesome :) Nice job on your running so far this year!

  3. Cool blog and recipes..i like,
    join my community Blog mymoonlog
    Thaks so much

  4. I love chocolate mousse! I'll have to try this recipe. I've tried a few "puddings" made with avocado and I really did not like it. But I'm sure this is sweeter with the dates!


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