
Monday, April 30, 2012

The Week's Begun

I love Mondays, don't you? I never really thought I did until I realized how much I look forward to the start of a new week! New goals, new challenges, and new ways to grow.

I was listening to Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy over the weekend and was reminded of several good things! One of which is, successful people don't try to re-create everything themselves- they learn from the experts. Another really important point that stood out to me is what a game changer an attitude of gratitude can be!

{Click the picture to read some exercise excuse busters}

For my workout today: I ran 2 miles, than 30 min of interval training/weight lifting, ran 2 more miles, and by that time I was really ready for a deep stretching session. It felt good to get to the other side, but I enjoyed the process!

How about you, what are you learning? Do you have fitness goals for this week? If so, what are they?


  1. i think my fitness goal this week,hmmm just exercise for about 2 hours:D
    u have such a great life and blog
    lets follow each other


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