
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Natural Beauty

I went camping!!! Yeah, it was so fun! The weather was perfect and it was a delightful time with my wonderful family. A great opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and strengthen relationships. 

{Sitting on the bank, enjoying the view this morning}

The reason for this adventure was a birthday celebration for someone very near and dear to my heart. My little brother, Joey, turned 7 last month, but due to a major medical issue our family was experiencing we were unable to get everything together for a party. But, we finally did and last night was a blast!

{Monday's lunch. Since I knew we would be cooking out that evening I decided to go with veggies for lunch!}

We played games, talked, laughed, went bike riding, ate good food, sang songs, danced, enjoyed the gorgeous weather and finally rounded off the evening with the Andy Griffith Show :)

{Bonnie, our Australian Shepherd sporting a ball cap. She's a little sweetheart.}

I got home from from the camping expedition about noon so shortly thereafter I went running. Was able to get in 2 miles today. Great for an easy day!


  1. That sounds like such a great time! Thanks so much for following my blog by the way, I am now your newest follower as well. I am going to be training for a 5k soon! I've always been a short distance runner so working up my endurance has been my goal these days.

    1. Hi Samantha, Thanks for following! That is so wonderful you're training for a 5K! Yeah!!! Have you check out the Couch to 5K plan, it really helped me! Here's the link:

  2. How fun! That sounds like a great weekend!

    P.S. Thanks for the follow! Have a great week!


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