
Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Monday!

Hello, folks! How was your Easter weekend? Mine was fabulous and I hope your's was too :-) Filled with yummy food and refreshing fellowship with family and friends! 

Here's a taste of what we ate...

I spent 1/2 the day in the kitchen Saturday cooking away! Before that though, I managed to get in a 4.25 mile run, a weight lifting session, and some good core work. This left me tired, but invigorated at the same time, if that makes sense :)

I didn't eat lunch until almost 2 o'clock as time just flew with all the food preparations that needed to be done. I was starving by the time I actually ate! Afterwards, I took an hours break and then back in the kitchen for another 2 1/2 hours. So fun! I just love the art of cooking and really want to get better at it. My Momma serves as huge inspiration. Boy, can she cook up a meal!

Originally, my goal with these chocolate delights was to make brownies, but we ran out of eggs (after I had boiled 36 eggs for a deviled egg recipe...) so I just turned them into truffles and frozen them. I dusted them with a bit of peppermint flavored cocoa powdered to compliment the chocolate. 

Saturday was movie night with friends! We watched a documentary on the Titanic in light of the upcoming 100th anniversary which is April 12. It's really sobering to think of how many lives were lost, but how then how many lives were saved because men gave up seats in the life boats so that women and children could be rescued. This makes me think carefully about the real men in my life, specifically my dad and brothers. I know if it came down to it they would give their life in defense my mine and any other lady- how then should we treat men of noble character? It's cause for thought. 

Sunday morning we woke-up bright and early to get ready for church. We had these delicious freshly made whole wheat waffles with local strawberries. They were so good! Ah, just looking at this picture makes me want another one!!!

And, here's my grandma Mimi fixing us up a feast! It was so good. I didn't manage to get a picture of my plate... but I did get the dessert table!

Mimi did all of this, we didn't help a bit. I felt terrible not sharing some of the load- 14 people is a lot to cook for! But she insisted that she had it covered, and as you can see from her picture she loves being in the kitchen :) 

I think that about wraps up the weekend minus a few details... It was busy but those are the best. After getting home last night, I went for a walk on the farm. The weather was perfect and it was a great time to re-group before Monday morning came full-force. I woke up this morning and ran 3 miles. I'm thinking about doing some weighting lifting later on but not sure it there will be time today, I know I can at least get in some push-ups though. You can do those anywhere!

How was your Easter weekend? Was the food good? 


  1. Looks, like you had a wonderful Easter. Cute blog.

  2. WoW! Your blog is so delicious!!! I follow you now! Would you like to follow me back?

  3. Looks absolutely delicious! And I love the pic of your Grandma - how sweet! Glad you had a great Easter!

  4. That looks sooo good!!!

    Btw lovely blog & new follower :D

  5. WOW all that food looks incredible! Did you relaly make everything!?!?


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