
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Announcing... The Sun Warrior Protein Powder Winner

It's the big day and I'm so excited to announce a winner for the 500g bag of vegan Sun Warrior protein powder!

Drumroll, please....

And, the winner is... Brittany from Eating Bird Food.

Yeah, congratulations, Brittany! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! If you'll just send me an e-mail at with your mailing address and the protein powder flavor of your choice I'll ship it out to you :0)

For the rest of us, there is great news! Sun Warrior gives out samples in every flavor so you can try it before you make the investment. All you have to do is send them an e-mail at requesting a sample :) They have great customer service too so you can't go wrong!

For my workout this morning, I ran 3.5 miles. This picture? Well, I started out wrapping my leg, hoping that it would support whatever in there was hurting, but the wrap got in my way and felt plain weird so I took it off. I was able to make it without pain. So thankful! There's nothing quite like not being able to do something you really want for a few days. Perspective is everything, wouldn't you say?


Of course, since today is all about Sun Warrior protein :) I had to make my shake with it this morning!

Strawberry Mango Smoothie
8 oz water
1 sample packet Sun Warrior vanilla protein (this was the first time I'd tired the vanilla and it was so good! I'm going to have to purchase this one myself)
1/4 fresh mango
1/3 cup fresh chopped strawberries
Ice, to preferred consistency

Blend all ingredients together before adding ice. Enjoy!

And, this... well, after taking a picture of the lovely pink strawberry version, I came back inside and added some greens :) Yes, you know me-- gotta have my greens for the day! Love how it makes me feel!

Thank you to all who participated in the giveaway! There's always next time :)

More recipes coming up!


  1. Congrats to Brittany and thanks for the sample info. I haven't tried the Warrior Blend yet.

    Oh, and your smoothie pics are so pretty. Good idea to add the ribbon to the glasses.

    1. Thanks, Shannon! I visited your site-- very cute :) Looks like we could have a lot of fun together :P

  2. Woo-hoo. I'm so excited to have won! Thanks lady!!

  3. It's great that you made 3.5 miles without pain! I admire your persistence! :)


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