
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

3 NEW Protein Powder Recipes

You asked and I delivered! Here you go, fitness fanatics- 3 recipe attempts to incorporate some more protein into our diets. To start off, we'll make protein bars. Would you believe it? I found a recipe that specifically uses Sun Warrior!

{I think it was too much Stevia... I really don't like the after taste of Stevia.}

I didn't really like the way these turned out (note: it had nothing to do with the Sun Warrior protein, just a bad recipe) so I'll spare you the recipe with a commitment to experiment some more and a goal to find something that is both nutritious and delicious for all of us. I'm a big believer in that if it doesn't taste good you shouldn't force yourself to eat it. At least they were vegan, nut-free, dairy-free, corn and soy-free... 

Often the temptation when something doesn't work out the way we'd originally envisioned is to give up... like I was this morning :P Squash that bug and go at it again! If you keep trying you'll eventually find something you love :-) 

{At least they make a pretty picture :P}

Recipe #2, I'm happy to report turned out much better than the first! This is a quick one you can do with the blender when you're rushed or just don't feel like doing much, but still need some good nutrition. This recipe counts as a meal replacement as it's around 350 calories. Or, you could split it with someone for a nice snack :)

1 banana
1 1/4 cups sliced strawberries
10 whole almonds (I used pecans because that's what I had) 
2 tablespoons water
1 cup ice cubes
3 tablespoons chocolate Sun Warrior protein powder 

Blend the banana, strawberries, almonds and water together until well mixed. Add the protein powder and blend thoroughly. Gradually add ice until preferred consistency. 

Recipe #3 I think is one of my favorites! Low carb protein pancakes. You don't need much to throw these together! It's also a great option for when you want a pancake but don't want all the carbs to go along with it :P They are dense though so if you're looking for something lighter go with the smoothie, but these are a great treat after a hard workout.

{Can you tell I love flowers? They bring sunshine to any kitchen!}
Melt your PB. Crack you eggs, beat. Then add 3 tablespoons protein powder (choose your favorite!) and mix all 3 ingredients together until batter forms. Make pancakes! I used a little coconut oil in the pan to keep them from sticking, but you probably don't even need that with the oil from the peanuts. Serve warm.

The nutrition facts for this recipe are low on the carb end and high on the protein.

{To see nutrition facts for this recipe, click here!}

These recipes were fun to make while at the same time, good for you! Food can be healthy and good tasting too! Sometimes it just takes a little thinking. Makes life interesting!

Okay, onto my eats and workout updates: 

Yesterday, I lifted weights (I'm still in the 3-10 lb free weight range) and did a lot of leg work. I can feel myself getting stronger and that it's so exciting! Thinking back to when I would do certain workouts and how they would leave me pretty much incapacitated the next day makes me chuckle now. I can do those "back then" hard workouts and they leave me feeling great now, not 1/2 dead... ha! You can always intensify though and I need to step it up. A little deeper on those squats and a little heavier on those biceps curls...

For running, I've enjoyed using this 10K program from as a guide. I've seen my stamina increase and it's been a great motivator to feel myself getting stronger and see the progress! I highly recommend it for a workout schedule. Even if you're not interested in doing an actual race you can use the training schedule as a workout.

Today I had planned to run 3 1/2 miles but had to scratch that because I think my leg injury from last week stills needs to heal a bit more :( Instead, I did cardio (with some sculpting) for 45-50 minutes. Have you heard of the FIRM'S Thin in 30 workouts? They're awesome. I did a few of those (they're only 20 min each) which seemed to work :) 

{I saw this gorgeous butterfly out while I was snapping a a picture of my lunch. I love the yellow accent against the black next to the yellow pot :) Isn't natural beauty the best?}

And, this was lunch. I think I was just craving something fresh. Veggies with ranch dip are a quick & easy solution!

Allie (my sister) and I made strawberry jam! Uh, hum, can you believe it? We actually pulled it off :P

It's so delicious! I'm so glad we stopped debating and just did it :) There's nothing like picking your own fruit straight out of the field, making the recipe yourself and eating it!!!

What workouts have you enjoyed of late? Please comment if plan on trying any of these recipes as I'd love to know if you like them too! Oh, and if you get a chance, please "LIKE" me on Facebook :)

Enjoy your evening! You have until tomorrow to still sign-up for the giveaway if you haven't already :-)


  1. Love all the great photos! And that jam looks amazing :)

  2. Hey! Have you used the Rehydrate from Advocare??

    Your jam looks awesome!

    I am new to your blog (and I just started one as well, so feel free to check me out!). My current workout schedule is my half marathon training. I am actually tapering this week and it's the pits. Thats ok though, I'll love it when I meet my 1:45:00 goal!!

    1. Whoo-hoo! Great job on your training!!! I just might have to do one of those myself... I understand what you mean about tapering. Just when you get all excited you have to slow down! Looking forward to hearing all about your race :)

  3. Sunwarrior is the only protein powder I can stand, so I'm always happy to see more recipes using it! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! I love Sun Warrior too :)

  4. Sorry to hear that the first recipe didn't go as planned (I'm not big on the taste of stevia either), but the other two sound delicious.

    Making jam looks like fun. Reminds me of making strawberry jam and hot pepper jelly with my mom.

    1. Messing up is part of the process, right? he! At least 2 of them worked out!

      So glad that this post brought back good memories for you. Would you consider sharing your recipes?


I love hearing from you! Thanks for commenting :)