
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Friendship and Fitness

Tuesday was quite the day! I was able to spend quite a bit of time with one of my dear, dear friends, Casey Kay. She's such a beautiful person, inside and out, and I know all of you would just love her! Get this! She runs!!! Actually, Casey is one of the forces that helped motivate me to start running myself :) Great to have friends that stretch you! 

Surrounding yourself with the people you want to be like is a good tactic, but the best is becoming that person you wish everyone else in the world be yourself and that's when the world really starts to change. It starts with hearts, folks. Change happens from the inside out! 

So anyways, this was our lunch. La Croix are so good! I highly recommend them for a special treat. 

The two of us! Self-portrait :) 

Yummy, out-of-this-world delicious scones! Casey made these with whole wheat flour and sucanat. I'll have to see if I can snag the recipe so I can share it with you :) 

Homemade strawberry jam. This girl is amazing! Wouldn't you just love to dine at this house for a week :P

This picture is from my supper. I had an appointment with a client that evening which lasted several hours so I missed supper with the family and ended up eating rather late all by myself (super sad-- who likes to eat alone?).

This morning, I was out the door bright and early for a pressing matter that needed to be done ASAP at the office.

{Scrambled egg whites with sliced apple & natural PB}

{Wednesday's wrap. You can't really see from this picture, but it had tons of things in it! Black beans, cheddar cheese slice, delicious dressing and tons of lettuce straight from the garden. Yummy!}

My workout today including weights, biking and running. I biked 5 miles today which was so fun! Afterwards, I hopped on the treadmill and went 1.25 mile. Ooh, the thing I'm reminded of as I write this is stretching! I will have to make that a priority tomorrow :) It's a little past 11pm as I'm posting this so I don't feel much like doing it now :P

Stay posted for the weekend. Party pictures coming!


  1. Hi Katherine: I love your blog and commitment to healthy eating. I'll be sure to keep up with your posts--you're an inspiration!


  2. I love your blog! It always encourages me to workout! I went to the gym this morning and had a wonderful workout! If you get a chance, check out my latest post titled, "Pretty Little Cleansers" and if you could watch my video in my post and like it on youtube I would really appreciate it!

    1. Ooh, Samantha, that clip is too cute! Great job :)

  3. I love your blog! I drink La Croix everyday :)


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