
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Protein Powder Giveaway + A Grad Party

Last night was. the. bomb. I love parties! The whole day was fantastic! A day we had looked forward to for weeks, but in reality- years as it was representative of a lot of hard work and sacrifice. I'm so proud of my little sister! (to enter giveaway, see end of this post)

{Getting ready! Homemade chicken salad with croissants and pizza pinwheels.}

{A blurry picture of us filling trays. The kitchen is a hoppin' place at our house when there's a party.}

{Bamboo fruit skewers. An excellent healthy choice!}

There was TONS of good food, organized by my aunt Rhonda and Mary, of course, seeing as it was her party  :) The rest of us pitched in with the cleaning and attacking the to-do list once the menu had been decided upon. The party itself was beautiful, but I'd have to argue Mary was even more so :-) 

I love the colors! Red, white & black are so classy, southern. 

Lots of yummy food!

This party had attitude!

Fun with friends :)

We had a total of SEVEN homemade pound cakes. The flavors included lemon, cream cheese and chocolate. I tired a taste of each, of course- why not! It was heavenly.

{And this is the grad, Mary, lovely as always!}

Okay, so another very important factor that I need to mention is working out, since this is a fitness blog :) I started the day (Friday) with biking, just 2 miles and as I'm learning to brick, I hopped on the treadmill and logged 3.1 miles at a 6.5 pace with my time coming in at 28:30. Not terrible for a beginner, but I definitely want to see myself get stronger :0) It was such an invigorating way to start the day! Since I went out early, the weather was slightly chilly during the bike ride but it felt so good and refreshing. 

{Green smoothies are an awesome way to start a work day! I tried to stock up on nutrients so I could enjoy all the party foods:) } 

Today, Saturday, we had voice lessons for 1 hour this morning. I know, unusual for a Saturday, and especially since we didn't hit the sack till past midnight last night with the party and everything (so fun!). Anyways, my sisters are singing at a Memorial Day picnic in honor of the WWII veterans who sacrificed so much so our country could be free. That's coming up in just a few weeks so we've been working to pull that together. I think we all feel better after today's practice :-) 

After voice and lunch, I went bike riding in a neighbor with lots of hills. Ouch! The challenge was a nice and welcomed one. Biking across grass pastures can be hard, depending how bumpy it is, but there is no substitute for a real hill! I'm not sure exactly how far I went, but my goal was 15 miles and I think I at least came close to that.

Interesting experience, included being chased by a wild very protective neighborhood dog. He just wouldn't leave me alone and it was on this killer hill, too. There were some guys working on a house not too far away and as the dog kept coming after me, I wondered how fast I could get over there for backup! {Bet I could have done it in "record" time. :P} Anyways, I was thankful to know that when dealing with dogs you have to be "the top dog" and act like it. It eventually worked and I finally got away- scary, though!

After biking, I ran out and bought a Mother's Day present for my mom. I was still in my workout clothes, and hope I didn't smell too bad... ahh! But then, workout out clothes are some of the cutest! Homeward bound, one fast mile on the treadmill, a few squats and lunges and decided I was done for the day.

We had delicious leftover party food for supper and I feasted upon the broccoli and celery sticks. Delish! I then had a small serving of pound cake and the night felt complete. I'm tired, but I love this feeling as I know it's my body getting stronger. How about you? How have you pushed your body to the "ouch"?

So, now onto the fun part! The protein powder giveaway!!! Thursday morning, I opened a delightful package of samples from Sun Warrior. This is one of my most favorite protein powders on the planet! I love the chocolate version and I'm excited to try the vanilla :-) Here are just a few reasons why I love it:
  • Gluten Free
  • Soy Free
  • Dairy Free
  • Hypo-Allergenic, and
  • Non-GMO!!! 

The winner of the giveaway will receive the flavor of his/her choice of Sun Warrior Vegan Protein Powder in the 500g bag. 

To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment telling me what you would like to see more of on this blog (more running posts, recipes, daily living info, you name it!) If you link to me on your own site or tell a friend- I will enter you twice, but please be sure to tell me when you comment so I know :P 

Okay, folks! There you have it! I'm excited to announce a winner this coming Wednesday, the 16th! Wishing you the best!!!


  1. of course i wanna see how do you use protein powder in different meals!!!

  2. I would love to see more recipes and how you lead a healthy life. Love your blog!

  3. just keep doing what you're doing :)

  4. Definitely more recipes to go along with all those beautiful pictures and more of your exercise routines :)

  5. cute blog! i just found it through dailygarnish. since i'm new i don't really know what i'd like to see "more" of, but i'm definitely interested in your brick workouts! i am thinking of tackling a sprint triathlon this summer. p.s: sun warrior is the BOMB!

  6. I'm new to your blog so I'm not really sure what you could do more of, so just keep doing what you're doing :) Can't wait to look around at your other posts.

    I am super excited about the protein powder! I've heard great stuff about Sun Warrior but haven't tried it yet.

  7. I would lie to see fitness posts!

  8. Awesome! Thanks for stopping by to let me know about your giveaway! I'd love to hear more about your Bricks! =) always a god time!

  9. Your food always looks so tasty and healthy, I'd love to see more recipes!

  10. I am just getting into running myself (I'm doing the Couch to 5K program right now) so I would love to see more about running! Love inspiration! :)

  11. Thanks for letting me know about your giveaway. I love SunWarrior!

  12. I would love to see more posts on how one can train efficiently to run stronger, stronger and achieve one's personal best and also posts on simple yet nutritious meals (as I'm currently staying at a boarding school and don't get to do grocery shopping as often as I would like to, I get bored of the food served here very quickly)

    I absolutely love your blog! I find it very creative and inspiring.

  13. Hi. Thanks again for stopping by my blog, so I could find yours (I added it to my blogroll). I think you should continue to "go with the flow" and blog about what is happening in your life, sprinkled with recipes and fitness stuff along the way. The best blogs are the ones that are real.

    And, congrats to Mary. You're both very lovely :-)

  14. I love all of your recipes, so I vote for more of those! :) Really, I think you have a good mix of topics!

  15. It looks like soo good! I love Sun Warrior too, specially Chocolate version :-)

  16. I would love to see more recipes! :)


  17. I have been wanting to try this protein powder for so long!! I would love to see more recipes! Maybe something creative with vegetables? Always trying to eat more veggies :) I am linking you to my blog post for today right now!! Go check it out :)

  18. Recipes! Everything you make looks delicious and healthy! I'll link you to my blog! :)
    maybe grab my button?


  19. some more recipes! your photos are gorgeous too! x

  20. such a lovely giveaway thanx for letting me know.
    I would love to see more running related posts 'cause I lack of motivation lately :(

    Have a great day!!!!

  21. Love your is very fresh and inspiring.:) Keep doing what you are doing, I like the everyday stuff...the running, everyday recipes that you are eating and any spiritual inspirings that would like to share. Sorry it is not specific, but that is what I like about your blog, that it is not specific. :0)

  22. I love your blog. Really gives me some good ideas. I am really interested in this protein powder. I hope I win a free sample!

    1. Hi Deanna, You can request free samples by e-mail their support team! Here's the e-mail:



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