
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Wow. I haven't done this in forever! Phew, that stuff will wear you out! But, and it's a big one- you will have the time of your life. I've never been "taught" kickboxing, just learned things here and there from DVDs so I'm still very basic, but I love it :) And, girls, if you're looking for a "be sore the next day" workout than you'll want to check out the FIRM's Pump, Jump and Jab which includes some kickboxing. It's the bomb.

After working out this morning, I made a breakfast smoothie with some of this beautiful looking, delicious tasting kale.

And, here's the finished product! It tasted amazing. Especially after such a tough workout. Don't you just love maxing out and then replenishing your cells with pure nutrition? 

This was yesterday's lunch at the office. I made it the night before so I could grab it and go. The small container is a black bean dish that Allie made. Not quite sure what her recipe is, but it this dip was awesome and a nice addition! This girl is such and inspiration. She was up before 5 am yesterday morning and ended the day with a workout at 10pm last night. I'm so blessed to work with such a loving, dedicated person and not to mention, she's my sister!

For a treat, we had this raw chocolate pie with a nut crust for dessert. Oh my, y'all! Hold onto your socks. I think I'm going to have to do a recipe on some of our favorites soon :) In the mean time, here's a link to a sweet and savory cheesecake that, yes- is out of this world!

And for lunch, well... welcome to the sandwich station :) We whipped up these little babies with homemade lunch meat which is so much healthier for you than the pre-packaged.

So there you have it, the highlights from my eats of the last few days. What dishes have you been enjoying? 


  1. i can't stop staring at the raw chocolate pie. i scrolled down here to tell you that but you should know i'm going to go back to up to stare some more.

  2. I just wanted to tell you that I thoroughly enjoy your blog. I think you have an amazing attitude and your motivation is inspirational. I already lead a pretty healthy lifestyle, (which is on an extreme kick at the moment :p) but you have inspired me to start running outdoors, rather than hitting the cross-trainer in the gym all the time.
    You've also made me think a lot more recently about my faith, which is an area that I'm keen to look into a lot more closely.
    So, thankyou, and keep it up (loving these recipes by the way!)

    Lea x

  3. your meals look so so healthy AND delicious! and yes i agree replenishing our bodies with nutrients is such a great feeling :)

  4. I totally agree how great it feels to replenish the body! I have been doing a nutritional cleansing and replenishing system that has truly transformed my life! Sometimes we can't just count on food to do the trick since our soil is so corrupt now a days... It's sad. I would love to tell you or anyone who's interested more about the products I've been using! I've gained much more energy, better sleep, and lost weight!


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