
Friday, June 29, 2012

Basil Pesto Pizza with White Chicken

Basil pesto is great for a whole host of different recipes and it's a fabulous way to use garden fresh basil! 

Basil Pesto Recipe
2 packed cups fresh basil
2-3 garlic cloves
1/2 cup pine nuts or walnuts (toasted)
2/3 cup olive oil
salt & pepper (to taste)
1/2 cup Pecorino Parmesan cheese

Makes about 1 cup of pesto.

To start off, you'll want to wash your basil leaves & dry them either with a towel or in a salad spinner. Try not to bruise the leaves, if you can help it. :) 

Mince your garlic & throughly mix with nuts & cheese.

Add your basil. It smells so good! Then add olive oil until mixture is the right consistency. Salt & pepper to taste.

Scoop the pesto mixture into muffin tins, freeze the balls, pop them out and then store in a Tubberware in the freezer until you're ready to use them.

The pesto will last for up to a year in the freezer, but it's such a great addition to recipes that I don't think it will last that long for me! Too good!

My Aunt Rhonda came over this week to help make food for the weekend. This classy, southern lady is amazing in the kitchen! She can make leftovers out of anything... and make you think it's a gourmet meal - I have no idea how she does it!  I'd have to say she's one of the best, if not the best cook I know.

This is just one of the beautiful dishes she whipped up. To make: tomato slices with mozzarella cheese layered on a pretty platter, then drizzle with balsamic vinegar & olive oil. Crack a little black pepper on there with a shake of salt, garnish with some fresh basil and you have a delicious addition to your summer supper!

Supper on Thursday night was roast chicken, cheesy potato casserole, dill angel eggs, tomato/cucumber/onion salad, and chocolate zucchini bread. What did you have?

{This picture was taken just before 1am - I was so tired and this shot was the best I could do}

Yesterday evening was great fun! A dear friend came over after supper and we starting another batch of tomato sauce. Canning spaghetti sauce is pretty easy, but it is a long process. I just learned how this past Tuesday and it is now a new favorite. The evening went by fast as everyone was having such a good time! But, of course, sleep is a must so everyone else went to bed while Mary & I finished up the 12th quart well after midnight. We watched Forks Over Knives between batches to help keep us awake :) Anyone else seen this film? What did you think?

So, now onto the pizza! Basil pesto pizza with white chicken... ahh! The title of this dish sounds too good to eat!

For the dough I wanted a really, really good whole wheat pizza crust recipe. If you're not careful, whole wheat flour pizza crusts can turn out really heavy. When I eat pizza - I want to eat pizza - not lead! This recipe from The Healthy Foodie looks so good and I had plans to make it, but didn't get started early enough. For today, I went off this recipe as my base (click here). You may have to add a little more flour to get the right dough consistency. . .  just play with it.

After making your dough the rest is a cinch! Spread with the basil pesto for sauce (if you don't have homemade you can buy it), add some cubed white chicken, grate with a little fresh Parmesan and ta-da! You have a gourmet meal!

To give your crust that nice toasty look, beat together 1 egg and spread around the edges with a pastry brush just before the last few minutes of cooking. Crack some fresh garlic salt for a unique taste.

Words? There aren't any. Beyond goodness :-)


  1. Wow! I'd never think to freeze my pesto. That's an awesome idea! One that I'll be using, as my garden has an abundance of basil plants. NIce pizza too!

  2. Oh my goodness! I love pesto and your pizza looks AMAZING!!

    So does the tomatoes and mozzerella though!

  3. Everything looks absolutely DELICIOUS! Love the idea of freezing pesto.

  4. Love your tip for storing pesto. I'll be doing that from now on :)

  5. I have never thought of storing pesto like that!! Genius!!! Your pizza looks absolutely amazing as well. I love non traitional pizzas!

  6. once again, that looks fab: By the way, Just letting you know I've nominated you for an award. Check out:

  7. Love the way to do it. I can not image how you can do it. Thanks so much for sharing here.
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