
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Late Night Projects & An Upcoming Surprise :)

Last night the brain juices were flowing. With a dogmatic emphasis on working together as a team my sisters and I attacked a seemly daunting task list together after supper last night. It's amazing the ideas you can come up with in a group! Love it. 

{Buckets of tears and barrels of laughter have been shared with this group!}

{Friday's refreshing lunch}

For today's workout, I ran 3 miles and did some interval training. Interval training is fun because even when it's hard you always know you can rest in just a few minutes :) 

{Homemade veggie pizza from last night}

The recipe for this amazing pizza? From scratch whole wheat pizza dough, Ragu sauce (I chose this because it was on sale!), a blend of your favorite cheeses, garden fresh tomato, peppers & onions. So good! A great, fun activity for the whole family :-) 

{Just had to share this picture of these free-range, farm fresh eggs some friends gave us!}

And, this was from tonight's supper. It was basically just an effort to make do with what was in the frig/freezer but with a country cook twist :) I threw together these super easy whole wheat biscuits which were great! Spread a little homemade jam with creamy butter and you've got what they call "comfort food".

Garden fresh meals are a favorite around here!

Okay, so I have a HUGE surprise coming up for you on Monday!!! Be sure to check back to find out what it is... I think you'll love it! :-))) See you then!  

1 comment:

  1. What a cute blog you have - i'm so glad I found you. I can't wait to come back and look around when I have more time. I'm your newest follower. Nice to "meet" you. :)


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