
Monday, June 4, 2012

Magic Bullet Blender Giveaway

Wow. I think this is such an exciting giveaway! It makes me want to enter myself :P Okay, but still fun, totally- because my readers get a chance to win a really helpful tool :-) The Magic Bullet Blender company is graciously sponsoring this giveaway, and I'm delighted to be apart of it! And, just for the record- I don't get anything out of this. Just the mere satisfaction of promoting a helpful tool that I believe can make a difference in your health :-)

Check out this quick clip to discover all the amazing ways the Magic Bullet Blender helps save time and deliver healthy dishes in record time! Follow this link to see what's in the box.

Requirements to enter this giveaway? Yes, I know I should make you work for it, but I'm not going too :) All that's required is for you to LIKE the Real Food Runner FB page or share this post on your FB wall, and leave a comment with your name and blog address (if you have one) on this post! I know, too easy! 

Alright, now that we're all hyped up about this incredibly amazing little blender, I suppose I should mention that I'm taking a few days break so you don't think I fell off the side of the earth. Yes! Off to enjoy the beautiful mountains of North Carolina with the people I love the most. We leave bright & early tomorrow! Haven't done this in forever... so this will be a sweet treat! Ooh, just thinking about getting out into the fresh mountain air, surrounded by natural beautiful makes it impossible for me to keep from smiling! 

We're hoping to go canoeing (which always ends in a huge water war-- lots of good healthy competition and hearty laughs) and at least do a bit of hiking. Toss in there some local history, browsing mountain furniture stores just for fun, late night games, movie watching, ice cream from the chocolate shop, watching majestic sunsets with a good book and friends and I think we have a plan :) 

That being said, I won't have internet access so it will be next week before I can announce a winner... But, that will give you a whole week to steep in the excitement!!! :-) 

{Hearty breakfast sandwich}

And, I hope have a wonderful, wonderful week at that! Work hard and soak up all the blessings God gives. 


  1. I already like your page on facebook! Amazing giveaway, I would love to win a Magic Bullet.

  2. Love the Magic Bullet but have never had the chance to own one would love to win one!

  3. I liked your facebook page!

    Kristen N.
    kgn1588 at gmail dot com

  4. Looks like a fun gadget! Enjoyed perusing your blog, and liked you on FB (my personal FB account).

    Dori @

  5. Sadly I am not a facebook user...but I can certainly comment! I found on you Cranky. :) Time to prowl around your site.

  6. I liked your facebook page! Thanks for stopping over at my old blog too (A Drop in the Bucket). And hopefully you found our new

    Look forwarding to following along on your healthy journey.

  7. I recently came across your blog and am so excited to start reading it on a regular basis!

    I recently gave Magic Bullets to several friends this spring as wedding/wedding shower presents only to be called later and have them tell me that is the perfect present they never knew they wanted and how much they use it. I haven't purchased one for myself and would love the opportunity to have one and fully understand how great Magic Bullets truly are.

    Have a great vacation!

    (I also liked you on facebook!)

  8. Thank you so much for the chance to win the Magic Bullet - I'm so excited and have wanted one for so long!

    Have fun on your trip to North Carolina - my son recently had his class trip and took his first canoe ride. He loved it - so i'm forseeing some more canoeing in our future.

    I liked your facebook page, and am a new follower.

  9. Wow! What a giveaway. :D I'd love having a magic bullet!

    Liked your page on fb. :)


  10. Done and done!! :) I hope I win!! :

  11. I liked your Facebook page as well. Thank you for posting this contest. (I saw your comment on!)

  12. Thanks so much for commenting on my other blog (Learning to LiveFit) - I assume this giveaway is US-residents only and I live in England, but best of luck to everyone who has entered.

  13. Liked ya! I've always wanted a magic bullet :) I gave my blender away and then realized I need one for smoothies!

  14. I FBed this.

    I've been wanting one of these for a while, simply to be able to blend teensy amounts at a time. Love my Vita Mix, but sometimes I don't want quite THAT much.

  15. lovely blog and food!
    Kristine :)

  16. Just "liked" your FB page!


  17. I like you on FB. I hope I win!

  18. Just liked your facebook page!


  19. I liked your FB page and I do have a "healthy living" blog that I need to get back to posting on. I'm working on how to approach it :) But here's the addy for it

    and then there's my card making blog

    sounds like a great vacation.

  20. I like the FB page :) thanks for the giveaway! Have fun on your vaca.
    Andrea Shergalis

  21. Hey, I liked you on facebook. I am from Canada, so I don't know if I qualify for the contest. I liked reading your recipes anyways!

    Zoe (

  22. Liked your facebook page would love to win a magic bullet


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