
Friday, June 15, 2012

Portabella Mushroom Sandwich

I think this week can officially be called "sandwich week" for me. I've had one nearly everyday on homemade whole wheat bread making things fast & fresh!

I'm the kind of person that can be pretty satisfied eating the same things over & over (if I like them) and this becomes super obvious when it comes time to share my food intake! Picture time encourages me to be creative :) 

This sandwich was from Wednesday's lunch. Portabella mushrooms are a great meat substitute if you're wanting to go a little lighter & stay with veggies. 

Thursday was an active rest day for me. No running, but I did move & stretch :)

And, this was an egg, onion, mushroom, garlic "stir-fry" that I threw together for yesterday's lunch. It was good! 

I made a trip to Sanford this morning (about an hour's drive each way) to photo document a job for work. Typically, what I do for the company involves special projects to support sales and the like so this part was really fun, getting to see the end product & how beautiful it looks! My dad owns the company, so I do whatever he says :-) I love working with him & wouldn't trade it for anything! If you're looking to be inspired and transform the look of your backyard you may want to check out our website:

In the meantime, this was life in the backseat for Joey :)

Lunch today was a treat! Fayetteville recently got it's own Mellow Mushroom restaurant and I had a lunch date with a couple of girlfriends :) Pizza & salad is a great combo for a Friday, wouldn't you say?

I ran 3.5 miles before leaving the house this morning. Weekend wise, we'll probably have friends over to play games & hang out... should be a blast! I also have homework due for next week... ouch-- I really need to spend a good hunk of time on that :)

{Produce day! Garden fresh fruit is my favorite :) }

I also have some organizational goals that I'm hoping to knock out on Saturday. Six days shall you work-- give it your best! How about you, any plans for the weekend? 


  1. Yum! I love portabella mushroom anything and this looks amazing.

  2. Ah, your mushroom sandwich looks so delicious, love mushrooms! Your stir-fry looks yummy too, the ingredients sounds amazing (:

  3. I am the exact same way. I get in a habit with foods I love and I tend to stick with them! Your pictures are always beautiful even if they are of similar things! :)

  4. I wish there was a Mellow Mushroom where I live. There is one in Myrtle Beach, where we will be vacationing this summer. We will definitely be getting our fill of their pizza while we're there.


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