
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Naturally Sweetened Banana Oat Whole Wheat Muffins

Monday night was a hearty meal! I love meals like this. Period the end :) Beef stew was served as the main dish, a mixed salad & these delightful, naturally sweetened muffins on the side.

I based the recipe off one from In the Little Red House and then made do with what ingredients were in the house. That's the great thing about muffins, you can be flexible!

I wish I could remember what I did to these because they turned out superb!

These tomatoes are from my mom's garden! Aren't they beautiful? I took this picture early one morning this week. The weather was picture perfect :)

Tuesday's lunch was an egg sandwich on hoped for freshly baked wheat bread, but it didn't finish in time so I had to use store bought bread. I put a little sauerkraut on top of the egg mixture & sprinkled with dill. Serve with a bright red apple for a splash of color :)

I think I'm in love with sauerkraut :P I didn't think I'd like it until I had a little taste and now it's just a matter of gathering together a good pile of cabbage and salt before I attempt to give it a try myself! I'm planning to try this fermentation recipe. Here's a link to an article that explains some reasons why you may want to consider getting into it yourself :)

I threw together this quicky for lunch today-- another cucumber sandwich! This time, I added some spinach and a side of cantaloupe.

My sister Kristen made these delicious little wraps! They're not what you would expect which is why I like them. To replicate, just fry a collard leaf in a little bit of coconut oil to soften. Then pile high with some fresh guacamole (made w/ lemon juice), hard boiled eggs, chopped red onion & tomato, alfalfa sprouts, a little dressing for added moisture, sprinkle with sea salt, and anything else you want!

Today's a rest day for me. Yeah-hoo! Yesterday was weight lifting mixed with lots of squats & lunges :) What are your current workouts looking like?

Remember, the GNU Fiber & Flavor giveaway runs till Friday so you can still sign-up if you haven't already! 


  1. The wraps look yummy, totally gonna try it! Great post BTW. Feel free to follow back :)

  2. I love that muffins are kind of like the "thow whatever we have in the house and bake it" kind of desserts :)
    Lovely collard green wrap - looks super good.

  3. Those tomatoes are gorg! The weather looks perfect there (quick lunch pic) looks like my kinda food fo sho! I am your newest follower yayyyy thanks for sharing have a great weekend xoxo

  4. omg, those wraps! I DIE! they look amazing!


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