
Monday, July 9, 2012

It's Monday

How was your weekend? Mine was ultra busy, but great at that! Toss in some great food and fellowship with friends and family, being stretched, plus learning lots of interesting things and I'd say it was fantastic. Here are the highlights in pictures :)

BLTs on wheat bread with a side of cherries make a great, easy Sunday supper! 

Friday night I was up late blanching peas among other things :) My uncle grew these and my bros picked. Time in the kitchen is perfect opportunity to listen to thought-provoking lectures or music. As a vocalist, I love to study techniques of the greats & maximize time by listening to their music while I work!

I snapped this picture of my parents after a wedding Saturday evening. They make a dashing couple, don't you think?

Last week, I had the special privilege of meeting one of the most decorated Korean War aces, Dolph Overton. He's been a good friend of my Pappy through the years so there were several reasons to be excited about meeting this brave fighter pilot. It was amazing to learn how Overton shot down 5 Communist fighter planes in just 4 days during the Korean War. 

Reality. Class this morning :) 

I didn't get lunch packed in time before school this morning, but my Pappy was so sweet and took me out to a local 50's diner. I love this place because they serve nice large salads. I went with the garden mix this time and it was both delicious and refreshing! I also had a taste of my sister's Reuben sandwich - I was surprised to learn it was served with sauerkraut! Yummy. 

I saw this Andy Griffith clip on carbohydrates and glucose on another health foodie's blog. Too good not to share! 

{My 1/2 Greek salad from Panera with a banana on the side I brought from home}

This picture is from Saturday on lunch break during an all day self-defense class. I'm not judging, I'm not judging, but it really does hurt to see people eating McDonald's, chomping on mega-sized candy bars and downing 3-4 Cokes (that's 3 T of sugar per 12 oz) all in one day. There are healthy options that are tasty, and appetizing ways to give our bodies good food that energizes us! I care about people which means I care about what they eat. {This is NOT to stake myself out as saying I would never eat some of these things... :P} To see some interesting points on why we choose the foods we do, click here.

Water bottles are way too scarce and real food is even scarcer in typically classroom and work settings. We can change this! It starts with us :) 

I'm optimistic even when healthy options seem a minority. I think the more education people receive about this and if we can create more healthy options that are tasty and readily available than one by one the public would go for it! Just some thoughts. Let me know what you think! 

Would you be more inclined to go to Panera vs. McDonald's if they were right next to each other?


  1. Hey girl! I nominated you for an award!

  2. Panera! Hands down! I cannot stand McDonalds. Even the smell. I love going to Panera and getting the pick two. Black bean soup and asian salad!


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