
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Gift of Life

I witnessed a miracle, an incredible miracle, early this morning. The miracle of birth! At 4:18am a beautiful, healthy little baby was born to a wonderful loving family who is so grateful for this gift from God. Welcome to the world little Aaron!

So, I've been going to bed rather late the past week (getting maybe 5-6 hrs a night). Yeah, I know . . . probably not the best idea when you're on call for a birth :) Last night, I was thankful to at least get the 1.5 hours that I did! Quarter to 1am a phone call, quick dress, grab birth bag and camera with plenty of memory cards, then rush, rush out the door. Baby was born shortly after 4am :-)

This was my 5th attendance as a birth doula. It's something that I just plain love, helping other women - in the little ways I can during one of the most significant and memorable moments of their lives. 

When I got back home I knew I needed something green :) A kale smoothie sounded right up my ally. This time I added a little cultured coconut milk for probiotics. 

Lunch? I've been too tired to eat much today so I just snacked. That works! The afternoon I had errands and tons of other stuff that needed to be done, but about 2 o'clock I crashed. Yup, a power nap was just what I needed. For some reason, initially it was hard for me to just lay down and get some rest. Seeing a new little person enter the world is too exciting! Plus, I kept thinking about my to do list, but then I finally convinced myself that I wasn't being at all productive walking with no sleep :P I felt much better after a nap.  

This evening we celebrated my sweet cousin passing the medical exam to receive her license as a doctor in physical therapy. So proud of you, Ash! 

And, now? Now, I'm heading off to bed to catch up on some much needed sleep :) 


  1. That is so beautiful. Doula's are very important and very helpful in natural child birth!

  2. Oh bless you, you are adorable.

    Lea x

  3. I've nominated you for a blogging award! You can pick it up @


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