
Monday, July 16, 2012

Seeing the City (SA) and Food Conference

Guess what?! I'm at the airport on my way home from a fabulous, fun filled weekend conference here in San Antonio! The best part? This conference was dedicated solely to the subject of food and health!

This is Francis Fouchcon (a French chef) that I was privileged to meet last year in Paris! So wonderful to hear his educated thoughts on gastronomy. Here was one of his slides . . . 

This next picture was from taken obviously taken from the plane window :P I snapped it right before landing in San Antonio. I flew out early Thursday morning with conference sessions beginning that afternoon. 

Every minute since has been filled to the brim with learnt and growth. So thankful for truth and great friends!

This lecture, given by Gary Powers, was on adrenal stress. So interesting!

And, this picture? It was taken amidst my packing adventures Wednesday afternoon. I know, super random - sorry! I'd picked up some new energy bars ahead of time at the Apple Crate to try out hence the reason I had to include this pic! The organic spirulina was amazing!!! 

Plus, because there are shoes in the above picture I have to share with you girls the steal I got on the denim peap-toes. With sales and coupons I paid less than $7 for a pair - they were originally $26 something. Yes! I was thankful to find this bargain. They're really comfy too and great for walking :P 

Checking out the vendor hall :P This booth had the tastiest little carrot cakes made with healthy ingredients! 

This booth was great! Had to have their Raw Feast book :) Look out for some new recipes!

Lunch with friends :) Not sure what I'm doing with my hand there . . . ? 

My delicious plate of food. I went for the buffet - an excellent choice! No regrets :)

For dessert had a taste of each of these. After a bite or two I was through. Guess I just wasn't that much in a sweet mood today - strange! I love buffet style dessert bars, though, because you get to taste a variety of different things! 

I love the Riverwalk of San Antonio!

This meal was one of the best. I split it with my momma. Even though there were tons of friends in town we decided to make it special and go out just the two of us for one meal. Love this lady to death so it was a HUGE treat for me! Anyone else crazy about their mommas? 

Fresh honey and hand-crafted goat's milk soap.

I listened to Dr. Bernui lecture several times throughout the weekend and I'd definitely say he was one of my favorite speakers. 

There were samples of this green super drink! Delish :-) 

Fresh watermelon juice for lunch. Ah, bliss . . .

This was time with friends -  rounding off the weekend Saturday evening at a nice Italian restaurant. So, I'm enjoying my last few minutes of vacation before I get back home to the real world! See ya then :) 


  1. Looks like an amazing time! Learning about health and eating great food! I've never had watermelon juice before. You've made me curious!

  2. Conference sounds super! Meeting Francis Foushcon would be an absolute pleasure. Lucky you to attend his seminar!

  3. the conference sounds awesome!! i love seeing the different things they have set up! i bet the meeting was totally inspirational, i'm jealous you got to go!

  4. That looks like an awesome conference. I am SO jealous that you get to go. How do you get into things like that?

  5. Looks like a blast! Especially the fresh watermelon juice. Yum!


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